The day life changed

14 0 0

3rd person POV:

Some months later:
after running away from his village Makū wandered in the forest for some time. After weeks of walking he managed to find what he was looking for a ride to Imperial fist kokeji temple, the best martial arts temple in all the continent,the perfect place to start his journey of revenge against his father.Makū uses his appearance and ability to feel and understand chi to take advantage of a vain master, placing a bet: "If I hit you in the chest once with a palm stroke you will take me with you to the kokeji temple, in case you hit me in any way you will do to me whatever you want."The man was sure of himself, sure of knocking out Makū with a single kick.What he didn't know is that Makū was able to feel the chi and understand the opponent's method of reasoning,thanks to this Makū anticipates the man and hits him in the chest with a palm strike.The man, however angry, satisfied the boy by taking him to the kokeji temple.
Makū POV,14 years later:

14 years ago I joined the kokeji dojo for learing the imperial fist martial art, one year ago I have been tasked with protecting a distant relative of Prime Minister Honest.This year, like every year, I toast both myself and my mother and my friends who died 14 years ago on my birthday. In these years I have mastered kung fu and mastered chi to the fullest, right now I am patrolling the outside area of ​​that bastard Iokal's mansion. I think it's understandable that I don't have much respect for him but thanks to his position I managed to steal important documents about the empire. Which allowed me to confirm my theories about my father, and that he failed to put down the civilian uprisings in Kibou and therefore, in crisis, he asked for help from the Empire under the control of Prime Minister Honest. In exchange for the prime minister's help, he sold his women to the soldiers and children of the empire as experiments for a strange project, while the men (who rightly didn't want their children and wives sold as objects) tried to protect their pride, failing.That bastard will pay for his failure, but now I have to focus on the present in my current condition I can't kill my father and take the throne.In recent nights strange signs appear in my dreams, signs that take on the meaning of flames... lightning... construction... destruction and much other stuff. These symbols and others like them were the subject of my father's study, who knows what they mean. But this is not the time for these things, I have to finish my night patrol and report back.

After finishing the patrol I start to go back to the base, but slowly I start to feel a very strange chi. This chi has such an unknown feeling that it's almost instinctive for me to run towards the source of it.

Once I arrive at the source of chi I find a man in armor with a spear in his hand ... which is incursio the teigu stolen from the empire by the soldier ...

 Makū: "You are Bulat, aren't you?" I ask as I strike the classic imperial fist-fighting pose. 

Bulat: "That uniform and fighting stance. You are one of Iokal's guards, you make my job easier." The man charges at me trying to stab me with his red spear. face doing damage, to the surprise of both, I don't understand why I managed to do effective damage I expected the armor to be too strong, but then I realize. "The materials in that armor are alive, aren't they?" the man moves away a bit before speaking "What... How?" 

Makū: "hehe, it's not important." one of the main skills I've developed over the years is to absorb the power of blows from living beings and repel it, but normally armor doesn't allow me to absorb the energy of blows. But thanks to that armor being made of "living" materials I am able to use these abilities. And then I lunge towards him attacking him, thanks to my fighting style I dodge his blows like I'm dancing and absorb his energy to keep fighting him. After a while I manage to rob him of a lot of energy and manage to injure him badly. But despite this he doesn't give up and continues to attack me until he manages to hit me squarely with his spear, sticking me into a tree a few meters away. Makū:"Heheheh, you're strong huh? *rise up from the tree debris*You work for the rebel army right? Bulat:"You already know, what you want to ask me." I clench my fists as a simple smile appears on my face "Tell me, do you think the means justify the result?" Bulat: "Maybe, but it depends." 

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