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It was time to go to school, as usual, everyone had already been dropped off by their parents. The trio went to school together this time so Randy wouldn't need to tire himself out riding his bike.

"Come on, move it!" A student yelled, pushing past (Name).

"Ow! Watch it!" She yelled after him as Randy's face crunch in anger at the student.

After days of going to school together, they're rather closer than Howard would think. I mean, he has a crush on her and she has a crush on him but they haven't confessed yet either.

Howard thought it might be some weird love thing but Heidi told him that they might be up to the confession stage in a few days or less.

Randy and (Name) are literally oblivious to that stage and they've been staying on the crushing on each other stage for who knows how long.

"Can you believe that guy?" (Name) scoffed, clearly she was pissed off.

"Literally, doesn't he have eyes?" Randy agreed with her, with the same amount of "pissed off" tone.

Howard blinked in surprise at this but then Randy turn to him and say, "Howard, i have this nagging suspicion we may still be faceless freshmen here at Norrisville high."

"Watch out, kid." A bigger student grunts, pushing pass Howard and running into the school.

"What are you talking about?" Howard grinned. "They love me at this school."

He walks in with Randy and (Name) following behind him. "Hence my awesome nickname, the Watch out kid."

"Watch out, kid." Another student growled, pushing Howard aside while he smiles.

"You're not the Watch out kid. They're saying, "Watch out, kid!"." Randy clarified, looking at him with a "are you serious?" face.

"Oh! Then, yeah, we're 100 percent faceless." Howard deadpanned.

Randy sighed, rolling his eyes at him before he turn to (Name). "Hey, (Name). What's this thing you told us about last night?"

"Seriously?" (Name) raise a brow before she chuckled. "It's some kind of talent show Howard's sister is holding. I'm going to be a judge." She proudly told them while they walk.

"Unfortunately, with two other guys." She grumbled which Randy can hear loud and clear.

"Guys?!" Randy snapped but then he fixed himself. "I, i mean... Who are they?"

Howard and (Name) look at Randy with odd looks before she answers. "The school jocks. Bash and his friend. I don't know his name though."

"Why do you need to know? I mean, you probably don't know the guy. You don't need to know the guy. Right? Right, Howard?" Randy quickly says, wrapping his arms around himself while smiling nervously.

"Uh... Yeah." Howard answered.

"Anyway, we need to do something that separates us from the rest of these clowns." And on cue, a clown student on a Unicycle went pass them.

"And Baton twirlers." A student, twirling a baton over her head skid pass them happily.

"And accordion players... Are these the shoobs participating in the talent show?" Randy wondered, an eyebrow arched.

"Looks like it." (Name) shrugged.

They look up at the screen and Heidi was air. "Heidi @ School - Talent Show Edition".

Hey peeps, it's your best BFF, Heidi. Status update. Due to the fact that my two other judges decided to try out for talent show instead of judging it, like they promised...

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