The stage is set!

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Without any prior notice, I decided to charge at her full speed ahead. Since this was not my first rodeo, I knew what to do and I was fast. Did I wait for even a split second? No. I immediately went for the vital spots. Of course I had intentions of killing her and since there had to be one or the other dead person, I would for sure not hesiate at all. 

Before this girl could know what was happening, I stabbed her in the chest and then removed the knife immediately so she could bleed. Blood was always beautiful since it was crimson red and not only that but the actual color reminded me soo much about the reason why we were still alive. It was one of the most valued and pured things on earth. Each animal and individual had blood and humans as well as animals had red blood. So what was there more precious than this in the whole world? We needed it to survive after all. 

Me: Soo how does it feel?

I like this scene!

I love her scream as well.

I think everyone could hear it.

Sooo.... this means just one thing.

I quickly knocked the girl out and decided to just get away from the scene. The only person the cameras could catch up running was me and with me, I mean Izuku who was still probably unconscious in the basement. I ran a couple of blocks away until I just decided to dive deep into the void. It was one of the skills of a villain to vanish whenever we needed it and now was one of the times. Of course I did watch the drones follow me and also made sure that they caught me on tape running away but I ran towards somewhere, a place filled with possibilites I could go to, a lot of different corners and it was perfect for this.

So in short I ran to a corner and then decided to actually hid behind something and let the drone pass me. It was fairly easy and after this, I had to move and find a place to sit and just relax. I really wanted someone to knock me out but that would be too much. On the other hand, there was one thing I needed.

In the end, I went towards were the gen ed people were or where I knew 3 people would be and came towards them as Izuku.


Of course I said that just to scare them and it worked.


Who of you guys is next?

I need someone to actually get me some clothes and you are the perfect victim to get me the clothes!

I need to get back to Izuku and drop him off somewhere so they think he did this.

No one will know.

After this I will switch back and forth between him and make it look as if he was going insane!



Ama do this for sure!

???: JESUS! Don't scare us like this!

Me: Why not? I am the villain here.

Which is soo not a lie.

???: Yeah... we got that... but why scare us?

Me: Why not.

???: Are we supposed to run?

Me: Nah... running doesn't get you anywhere.

???: True... well do what you must.

The moment I heard that coming from the boys mouth next to the girl, I threw my knife at him and you know my aim wasn't the best but it was also not bad so when I threw it, I hit his eye and he dropped to the floor immediately. The others started screaming and panicking and some tried to run but I still had another knife with me so I threw that one as well and for the last one... well they tripped and I could just casually walk towards them and get one knife out of a victim. 

Me: Oh running doesn't help you.

???: Why are you doing this?

Me: Hmm... because I am a villain. Do I need more reasons?

With that I killed the last person in the room and tried not to get the clothes of the girl filled with blood. It sure wasn't easy but it was possible to knock her out first with the back of the knife and then I just dragged her to a different building but into the attack and took what she was wearing then also a bit of blood and killed her there. I made sure there was no sign of anyone getting into the building before exiting and returning to Izuku looking like the girl and dressing him up as the games villain once more.

After this I kinda hurried and placed him close by at the floor and switched his dagger which couldn't hurt anyone with a knife and ran.

This was definitelly enough evidence for anyone to know that this little motherfucker was the culptris of everything. Now all I had to do was watch the chaos as he would definitely get insane.

The show was set and now it was time to enjoy the show.

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