𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 02

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ARI WOKE UP FROM THE HEAT OF THE SUN SHINING IN HER EYES. Her eyebrows furrowed as she fluttered them open, she felt arms hold her tight around her waist. She started to remember what happened last night and a smirk grew on her face. When Mason and Ari arrived back to the house from the beach, they both stayed up late watching movies in their bedroom. Until they fell asleep in each others arms.

She sighed, slowly taking Masons arms off of her, getting up off the bed while trying not to wake him up. She admired Masons beauty until she leaned down, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek. She raised herself and forced herself to the bathroom, leaving the door open and waited for him to wake up.

A few minutes has passed and Ari was in the middle of brushing her teeth when Mason awoke, a small groan escaping his lips as he stretched. Ari turned her head and saw him grinning at her.

She grinned with the minty toothbrush still in her mouth, waving her hand at him. He chuckled and waved back, "Good morning."

She nodded and mumbled good morning, leaning down to the sink and spiting the foamy toothpaste out of her mouth. After brushing her tongue, she rinsed her mouth and cleaned the sink with a paper towel, wiping the left over water.

She finished cleaning the counter and felt arms snake around her waist. Mason hid his chin in her shoulder, looking at the mirror to see Ari with a grin growing on her face. She looked at him in the mirror and moved her hand to touch his hair, softly rubbing it.

Mason kissed her neck before pulling away and making his way towards the other end, brushing his teeth at his own sink. Ari left the bathroom without a word and left him alone to do his business as she walked towards the closet.

Since they were gonna be staying for two months, they had to at least act like this were their house. Two unsupervised seventeen year olds, basically a call for trouble.

She opened the sliding door and skimmed through her wardrobe, until she stopped on an outfit. She sucked on the inside of her cheek, she didn't know if this outfit would be right but she still put it on.

She heard Mason finish up and walk out of the bathroom just when she just finished getting dressed. She let her wavy hair down and turned around to face Mason. She gave him a small grin, earning one back from him.

"Soo, what do we want for breakfast?" She asked, throwing herself onto the soft bedsheets. Mason shrugged as he pushed through the clothes, the hangers making noises on the metal pole. Ari turned her head, looking at him trying to find an outfit. She rolled her eyes as she rolled over, her stomach laying on the bed.

She crossed her arms for support and tilted her head to look at him, her hair moving to the side when she did.

"Pancakes?" She questioned, finally getting Mason to stop and turn around. His cheeks heated up when seeing her, "I guess." He turned back around and continued doing what he was doing before.

Ari just blinked and sighed when raised herself, sitting on her knees, "Okay, I'll be back in a bit." She got off of the bed and exited the room, hearing "okay!" In the background as she continued downstairs.


Ari had gone out to the stores to look for pancake batter and some eggs. She sat in the isle of where the pancakes were, looking at all the brands and price tags. She just needed two things and then she was out. She grabbed the pancake batter and walked out of the quiet isle, when she did, she accidentally bumped into a soft shoulder.

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