It's funny how everything you feel can be hidden easily.Especially feeling left out.I'm not just talking to my irl friends I'm talking to every single one.Including online.Every time I finally get done doing something and try to see what's going on in a conversation,they don't even acknowledge I'm there.It ruins my whole mood.It ruins my whole day.I try so hard to be included and I even try to tell other people about how I feel but nothing changes.Nothing.It's all the same.Every person is the same.I'm not saying like attitude,personality or anything like that.I'm saying almost every person in the world has made the same mistakes I have.It's weird what a world we live in.I hate what we've done to the earth.I hate what it's done to me specifically.
I hate it having friends in reality.There's liars,toxics and they do some real horrible shit to you.It sucks being attached to toxic people.I know some people that still are.I'm not one of them.I'm so glad I'm not one of them.But I do have attachment issues.Any single one of my friends could leave me and I would still be upset about them for 3 months.I hate it.and I hate myself.