Prologue: A Connection

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    In my apartment, I looked in the mirror while applying makeup. I was ready for work now. I grabbed my jean jacket and my satchel that I threw over my shoulder in a hurry. I wasn't late or even in a rush, I just wanted to get to McDonalds on time to get the special breakfast meals they had. It was 6:00 AM and I always hurried out the door to get a discounted price on their scrumptious cinnamon melts. My job at Steph's Cafe started at 7:00, so I was in no rush to get there. Before leaving, I grabbed my keys and checked my appearance once more. My dark auburn hair was hair sprayed into a cute high pony tail that frayed at the bottom and had some escaping hairs that shaped my angelic face. My parents always told me I was beautiful. My green eyes swayed inside my pupils like sea grass, they were especially bright today for no apparent reason. My eyes were rimmed with dark brown eyeliner and my eyelashes were thick and I batted them furiously. My lips sparkled with my new favorite lip-gloss: Summer Rose. I was satisfied with the way I looked, and the only one I should be thanking is my mother, genetics is key. I winked at myself before turning off the lights and leaving my apartment.

    The morning breeze sent a shiver down my spine, but felt good as it whipped through my hair. I galloped over to my sparkling blue catalac. 'Beep Beep'. I pressed the unlock button and the car sparked to life. It was a car that, in the push of a button, the engine would turn on. It also had a engine starter inside it, meaning you don't need the keys. I kept them with me just in case I needed them. I slid into the driver's seat and push in the engine button. I slid my hands over the new leather seating. I sighed, "I'm so spoiled..." I admitted to myself. I had no one else to pay for but myself. It had been like that for a while now... Maybe the guys thought of me as a too pretty conceded, no good, virgin If they could guess that last part. I was a believer in God and if he said it was wrong, I wasn't going to go do it until marriage. My plan was working; I was a single, 17 year old, with no intent of changing that. Very impressive for my age I concluded.

     I sighed and drove out of the parking lot as I headed into the mainstream of cars. I turned on the radio and started singing to "Blown Away" by Carrie Underwood.The radio fuzzed and was interrupted by a frantic voice. "Hello? Is it live?" I heard the radio speak and a faint "yes" in the background. "Report... Killer on the loose. He has killed over 10 girls that we have recorded. He is a tall, muscular, brown haired, light green eyes, and a scar unmistakable on his left cheek. He is hiding as far as we know. If you see him please call 1-800-789-HELP."I copied the number into my phone and put it on speed dial. I was a safety freak like that. If there was a serial killer out there killing girls, I want to have the protection I need.

      I sighed and pulled into McDonalds a couple seconds later. I looked into the mirror and hopped out of the car. I walked into the doors and up to the register. A young girl, looking around 15, smiled and said "Hello... How may I help you?" I always thought that was a stupid question to ask considering we all know we are ordering food and that she was calculating the money...

     I shrugged it off and replied, "A cinnamon melt and a chocolate milk please." I smiled warmly at her and yawned.

     She noticed and commented, "It's pretty early.. You tired?" Another stupid question, Was this girl dumb? Did she not know how to infer? I just nodded, keeping my mean thoughts inside my mouth even though they wanted to escape. "You always come this early?" I nodded again and she smiled. "Early Bird." She muttered. I wondered why that was a bad thing to her. I looked at her weirdly and she glared at me and walked away. Okay then..?

     A minute later she returned with a tray. It was dead around here. Usually in the mornings only a few people worked. I could only see two guys and one girl besides the young cashier. She handed me the tray and I could tell she tried a smile but failed and frowned. "Okay?" I eyed her weirdly and paid for my food. I sat down at a booth next to a window. I dug in immidiantly having the cinnamon covered, doughy bread melt in my mouth like heaven. I gleamed in delight, this was so good! I almost felt like ordering another one but then again I always had a muffin sometime during my shift at the cafe. I opened my chocolate milk and chugged it down. I hated it for being so tiny! I wanted more but I restrained myself because I didn't want to get fat. It wasn't that I thought I was fat or anything, I just didn't want to gain anymore... I was self conscious I suppose.

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