Chapter Seven: Psychotic Love

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   I shrieked and stumbled backwards, my back hitting the wall behind me. His head and body were slumped over, motionless. I took in a breath to calm myself, I didn't understand. Why was he in the chair. Who did this to him? I rushed over and shook Darian's body.

     "Darian!! Baby wake up!!" I shook him hard. I then resorted to slapping him. "Baby don't play this game with me." I started crying hysterically. The world around me became dark... His head swung silently... Back and forth... Back and forth... I started paying attention to the motion, it slowly becoming me. I felt outraged... Who had done this? My mind started to spin. I sat down and tucked my head into my knees. I rocked back and forth... Back and forth... Back and forth... This wasn't happening.. Did I do that? I looked around... I looked at Darian's body... Was he alive? I stood up, shaking, and made my way over to him. I checked for a pulse. He was alive. My heart jumped. I quickly untied him and placed his body on the ground. I rushed to a closet to get a blanket... I then placed it over his body and kissed him on the cheek... "It'll be okay baby." I said silently, laying down next to him. I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 


     I was shaken awake with a jolt. My body was pinned to the ground. My head felt heavy, as if I couldn't process anything. I slowly opened my eyelids and saw Darian. "Baby..." I whimpered... He grunted and wiped his nose, the blood still slightly flowing out of it. 

     "You have a hard hit." He groaned, he was in pain. I frowned, becoming confused. He hit me, that little bastard trying to pin this on me! I squirmed under his weight... There was no way I could get up with him on me. "I'm suprised you let me be untied.." He took a good look at me. I glared at him, confused. 

     "I don't understand. Get off of me." I whimpered. He shook his head. "Get off!!" I squirmed. 

     "You did this to me. You kidnapped me, and when I got away... You hated it. You killed those people Regan. It wasn't my fault! You did this!" Darian yelled at me and slammed his fist into the ground next to my head. I gasped and shifted my head away. "You got me back and took me here. You killed those guys... They were trying to help you... That's all... You killed them. You got me and you punched me... Look at my nose." I looked at it. "You did this... Can you get that through your mind?" I shook my head and tears sprang from my eyes. I don't understand. 

     "Darian, you're lying. You're lying. You did this, it's not my fault." I squirmed. He looked at me in pure agony. "You locked me up... You did this... I don't understand." I looked around the room, trying to focus.

     "You're trying to decieve me... It's not going to work this time Regan." He shook his head. "I got away in that hotel and I thought that was it... But no, this needs to be done with." He grabbed my hands and pulled me up with him. I squirmed and kicked, but I was no match for him. He hugged me tight. "I loved you once... But you left me." He kissed me on the head and sat me down with great force. I kneed upwards and hit him in the gut. He winced and tied my arms behind me. I started to scream... He didn't mind. "You picked this place because I wouldn't be able to get away... I wouldn't be heard... But guess what, you're time is up now Regan." 

     "You're lying Darian! You did this!" Tears filled my eyes and I shook my head violently. I kicked and thrashed against the ropes but I couldn't free myself. Darian looked at me sorrowfully. 

     "I'm not a murderer, that's you Regan. You did all of this... It's your fault. You always tried to silence me, and it worked for a little while." He breathed heavily.

     "How could I do this then? You are obviously stronger than me. Explain that you arogant fool." I was beyond angry. This wasn't my fault!

     "Knives...Torture...Guns.... You terrified me Regan. I know I shouldn't give you the satisfaction of hearing that, but you did... You won't hear it again though... So don't get used to it." He thought a moment. "Hold on." He was done tying me.. Like I had a choice! The rope was so tight I already felt the circulation going out in my left leg around my ankle. I screamed and hollered, my voice becoming hoarse. He left the room.

    "I loved you Darian!" I screamed with all my might. "Is this how you repay me!? You ungrateful fool! You can't escape me! I will haunt your thoughts and mind forever! Do you know what you are doing? YOU LOVE ME DARIAN!" I was breathless and I couldnt feel my legs. "You are so stupid! You are arogant and decieving! You think you will get away with this? OH YOU WON'T! They will find you and get you!" Tears were in my eyes when he returned. He had a strip of duct tape in his hand. He clasped it over my mouth even though I tried to bite him. He got out the roll of duct tape and covered my mouth going back to my head... I tried to thrash but I knew it was worthess... 

     "You didn't love me Regan. I was just another one of your victims... But you were stupid enough to believe me when I told you I loved you. I did what I had to do." He pulled out a long serrated knife. "And I'm not afraid to do what I have to now." My eyes grew wide. "All those days of torture Regan... You'll finally understand my suffering." He traced the knife on my neck. I elongated my neck, trying to get away from the blade. He laughed. "There's no escaping it now." He kissed my forehead, then my cheek, then my neck. "Rot in hell." He thrusted the knife into my stomach and I let out a shriek. The pain spread throughout my body almost instantly. My eyes filled with tears and my body felt like it was lit on fire. I shrieked more as he took it out and thrusted it in again. I saw blood. Dark red blood seeping out of my stomach. He pulled it out again and then back in, this time in a new spot. I thrashed my body around, the pain too much to bear. He smiled. "You did this to yourself Regan!" He repeated the action. My face contorted as he drew the knife slowly out of my wound. Blood was everywhere. He licked the blade clean. "Finally... Suffer Regan. Feel my pain." He left the room... 

    I sat there in pure agony... My body lit on fire with pain. My mind was spinning and my thoughts were jumbled. But somewhere in my thoughts I remembered... I remembered the things I did to darian. I remember how I kidnapped him. I remembered my tricky phone calls to lure him into the alley way... I remembered everything. I was a devil. I remembered killing those boys.. I remembered them trying to drown me... And me killing them brutually afterwards... I remembered everything... The thoughts crowded my mind. Soon I didn't feel the pain, I only felt guilt. There was no going back now. I was dying and I deserved it. I felt my heart break... I remembered breaking out of the psych ward.... I remember my first victim... Her body sliced into pieces because she called me ugly. I rememered it all... Darian... Our love was fake... I did horrible things to him... It was all just some twisted Psychotic Love... 



     I sat there for another 20 minutes, my blood filling the ground around me. Darian would come in to watch me as I slowly died. He'd periodically laugh, kiss me, hug me, and then slap me... It was like he was bipolar. I looked around for a while, trying to make sense of myself and my actions.. but truly, there was nothing left. Nothing at all. Soon my vision went black and I felt myself floating into the air... 



     I was dead. I had killed over 40 people. I had killed my parents. My family... I had killed my nurse at the psych ward. I had to pin my emotions on someone... And that someone was Darian, and I forced him into this mess. I didn't kill Darian. Darian Killed Me. Darian was alive. He married a girl soon.. They had children. But I'm sitting here, watching him. Don't ask me where I am, because I don't really know. I just know it's bright here... The flames constantly tug at my clothes... My flesh constantly stings in burning. I sometimes imagine myself back at the cabin.. Back in my/ Darian's car... I still can't make since of things and I will never be able to... I was just some crazy girl stuck in some psychotic love story.  And the story ended....



So.... That's the ending... Clarification: Regan was mentally ill... And Darian was her "long lost lover" in her mind... She transferred her sick love story so he could take the blame. Confusing, I know. 

If you liked this short story, I was thinking of doing another short story named "Regan"... It would sort of be a prequel to Psychotic Love. It would be about Regan's time and how and why she is the way she is. It will talk about her first victim and how she was admitted to a psych ward when she was younger. I don't know full detail on how the story will go but PLEASE comment if you'd enjoy learning more about Regan. :) Thanks for reading... I really appreciate it. :)

- Kylie (NovelistNetwork)

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