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Sitting on the couch in the common room trying to rap you, head around how everything went so wrong.

Wiping tears from your eyes has your close friend ominis trys his best to comfort you, still unable to control your emotions. he rubs his hand up and down you back while holding your hand. After a few more minutes, you finally stopped crying, just sitting there in silence until ominis spoke up.

"What happened this time?"

Trying to find the word to respond, thinking back to the argument.

"You're mad at me all because I lied about going out with Amanda?" Sebastian said with a raised voice, clearing showing his getting irritated.

"Just because! Sebastian, you told me you were going out with ominis to hogsmeat only to find you there with some chick!". You lied to me, that's why I'm mad."

Sighing in response to you shaking his head, "I'm sorry, please let me explain."

"I saw you kissing another girl, sebastian, explain that!" un able to continue talking, pacing back in forth trying to think of what to say next while tears start to fall.

Noticing that you were crying, sebastian walks over, reaching his hand towards you, not wanting his comfort. You backed away. Shock by your sudden movement, he didn't push it. just felt pain and hurt by it. Both of you felt completely silent, just the quiet sniffles from you find the room.

"I don't know how more I can take of this. you lied about the who you are going out with. Tell who else did you lie about huh? How about last week when you said you where heading to feldcroft, who did you go with?! Why do you find the need to lie unless you screwing around behind my back?" You finally spoke up.

Biting his lip trying to find a response, not looking at you more like unable to.
"I'm promise I'm not. You can trust me."

"How can I after everything? How can I ever trust you!" Snaping that last part ,"look sebastian I don't think I can keep this up, "

Fear begone to sink in. "What do you mean Y/N?"

"I'm sorry, this isn't the frist time i Caught you in a lie and i cant trust you anymore, I'm done." With that said, you couldn't hold back the tears anymore. You were a mess unable to talk anymore you Begin to walk away

"Wait, please, Y/N" not stopping. the walk, turned in a sprint, then into a run, leaving sebastian standing there unable to process what just happened.

You continue to run until you are back in the common room. When someone spoke up "Is everything okay?" Looking towards the voice to see ominis sitting.

walking over still a crying mess, you try to tell him that you and sebastian had an argument again, but no words were coming out just tears, and sobs.

~sebastian POV~
Watching Y/N run away, I wanted to grab her hand and stop her or run after her, but what she said felt like someone just stabbed me in the heart. Standing there like a fool didn't realize tears begone to fall.
I lost Anna to that damn curse. Now I lost her as well. I'm a fucking idiot, what have I done. I shouldn't have lied. I shouldn't have even gone with with Amanda. What the hell is wrong with me.

"So now that you have bought me butterbeer and we done some shopping, why don't we get a room?" Amanda said while putting a hand on my thigh, rubbing her thumb Against me, completely disgused. I pushed her hand off me and got up

"Look, I think you got this all wrong. I will never do anything else with you, i lost the bet, and that is that"
trying to walk away Amanda Lunge herself smashing her lips on me, trying my best to push away she finally got off with a Satisfied smirk looking behind Me following her lead to see Y/N tears Staining her face.

trying to go after her only to have Amanda lock her arms in mine.
when I Managed to get her off me I headed outside but I didn't see her anywhere.

Finally, I'm back at hogwarts not seeing Y/N anywhere on the way looking everywhere. Frantically.

I finally see her walking toward the common room. Rushing over, grabbing her wrist and walking into the nears room with no one around, hoping she'll forgive me and hear me out only to have her say she's done.


After explaining everything that had happened to ominis, we sat there for a little bit when he decided to speak up

"Are you sure you saw him kiss her?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I saw them kiss. Still can't believe it. i thought we were getting better after Anna."

"I'll support you all the way. But I hope you know I'll still be there for him has well. After losing Anna and now you he's going to need someone"

"I know, and thank you, ominis. I really appreciate this. " Smiling towards him finally calmed down ominis, turning the subject over to something else. Trying to get your mind off sebastian. Only to have him come in a few minutes later.

"Can we please talk? Let me explain what happened?" Sebastian said with a low volume Raspy voice. looking over clearly seeing that he had been crying himself it hurt you to see him like that.

"Look, im not really in the mood to continue to argue with you,"
With no fight in him, he just nodded and was about to walk away when ominis spoke up
"Maybe you should hear him out if not for him then for me." Sighing and Agreeing with ominis, you both walked away from him to find a place with no one in sight.

Arm crossed in defense, not speaking nor looking at him waiting for him to speak up.

After a few seconds of silence, you looked over at him to see him, Fiddling with his hand, looking everywhere.

walking over to him, grabbing his hand to try, and come him down. He finally looked at you, taking a deep breath

"Okay, you know the other day when I was with Ismelda and a few others?

"Yeah what about it?" Still slightly upset but trying to be calm for ominis.

" ismelda and i did a bet that I lost, and the loser had to do whatever the winner wanted, so she told me I had to take her to hogsmeat and bought her whatever she wanted but Ismelda never showed but Amanda did and she told me the she was Ismelda standed in. I'm extremely sorry that I lied about who I was going out with. I didn't want to make you worried or think the worst now. I wish I had told you from the beginning."
Taking a moment to take breath."I know I lost your trust. I don't know if I ever get it back, but please let me make it up to you. Please, I'm begging you take me back.

After he was done talking, you were looking down at your hand that was still holding his trying to decide whether to believe him or not, looking back up meeting his eye, seeing a look of sadness that alone made you want to hold him tell him evething was okay but something was holding you back.
Sebastian tightened his hands in yours, waiting for your answer.
After a few more seconds of silence. You finally broke it.

"I want you to believe you, but" he hung onto every word you said. Pulling away from him Scratching you head in Frustration. He lied to you again and you don't know if it's going to keep happening. It would be best just to end it here.
Looking back at him sighing ready to give him your answer

"I really should say no it would be best after all you have been know to be a lier. Though If you lie to me again nothing can save this not even ominis"
seeing a slight smile of relief from on his face
"Of course I promise it won't happen again" walking towards you but you walked passed him heading toward the door. Hurt but he understood that it was going to take alot to make it up to you.

"I love you and I'll always love you even if you do end of leaving me" was the last this was said before you left him there.

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