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I'm sitting in Potions class trying to figure out the right ingredients. Looking in the book, then back the Potions completely clueless. Potions have never been my thing.

"Would you like some help, darling?" Sebastian spoke, looking at me with a cheeky smirk.

He could always see through me. I could never hide anything from him even before we stated dating.

I remember when he finally had the courage to ask me out. I had never seen him so shy before it was adorable, and of course, I couldn't deny him. I mean, have you seen him. Every girl in the school want him to ask them out. And I was the lucky girl.

For our first date, he took me hogsmeat. We walked around looking at a few shops when we stopped by Gladrages wizardwear looking around for a bit. I saw a beautiful necklace. It handed a long black chain with an Emerald S attached to it.

I was thinking about it, but it was too expensive so I decided not to get it. With a disappointed look.

I saw sebastian looking down at it. So I rapped my arm through his witch. He looked up at me, giving me a sweet smile

"Ready to go?" He asked, and I nodded back in an agreement

"Alright." he kissed my forhead, and we headed out of the store

After we left, he led me to the Outskirts of hogsmeat, where there was a blanket laid down in front of a tree with a few candles enchanted to float. There was a basket filled with sandwiches and a few of my favorite snacks.

He walked forward, sitting down. He reached his hand towards inviting me down with him, and I gladly took his hand.

We talked about all sorts of things while enjoying the food.

"I got to ask. Did you make all this?" I asked while taking a bite

"I won't lie. I asked Poppy for help. " he said, a little embarrassed

"No matter what, I love it. Thank you, sebastian." I leaned over, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I saw a slight pink from on his face.

After we finished our food, we headed back to hogwarts. Holding hands all the way.

We finally arrived at my entrance of (your house). We looked at each other for a few seconds when I spoke up

"I had an amazing night."

"Yeah, me too."

Sebastian raised his hand, resting it on my chin. I let him pull me in.

It was a quick but sweet kiss. Unsure or too shy to continue, we both said goodnight.

I was deep in thought I didn't realize how close sebastian hand gotten. Are noses touched.

"What has you deep in thought?" He asked, almost unfazed by it.

Even though we have been dating for a few months, those moments still get me blushing.

"Just thinking about our first date." He pushed a Stray Hair behind my ear and

He came in close whispering with a low, deep voice. "Would you like me to replay the ending?"

And of course, I'm beat red, and he starts laughing, "I swear you are going to be the death of me Y/N."

We heard someone clear their throat looking over to see Professor Sharp look at us with a scowl.

Before he could scold us, we got back to our potion. I still have no clue what to do, but sebastian came to my rescue helping me understand. And I managed to make a decent potion, but him, on the other hand, made a perfect one.

Sharp used his has an example, which made a few students jealous, but others congratulated him

"Hey, sebastian, I would love it if you could help me with my studies on Potions?" Some random Ravenclaw said in a very seductive tone.

"Look, I'm already helping Y/N." He brushed her off like she was more on an inconvenience to him.

I just smirked at her, and she scoffed
She was about to try again when I grabbed sebastian tie, pulling him down and kissing him.

After I was down, I slightly moved away from him. I still hand his tie. He was looking at me, and only me with lust wanting more. I gleared towards the girl, showing her that his mine.
After that, she stormed off.

"Didn't know you were the jealous type." He said still with that look

"I'm not." I said, letting go.

"Don't get me wrong, I loved it." He said with a very seductive voice. Witch hand me melting.

"I want to show you something later. Meet me outside hogwarts towards Beast class tonight." He said, kissing my cheek and walking away.

I was walking around, not knowing where to go. "Sebastian." I whisper yelled

When a hand grabbed me, I was about to scream, "It's alright Y/N it's me." I turned around to see sebastian with a cheeky smile

I slapped his chest. "You scared me, you ass." I said, taking a deep breath

"I'm sorry though it would be funny." He said lightly, laughing

"Funny my ass." he just continued to laugh but stopped when I was about to hit him again

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Come with me." He said, reaching his hand towards me, and I grabbed it.

He led me through the trees until there was an open area. Trees all around there was only the moonlight shining down.

"What is this place?"

"Just wait, and you'll see," he said, looking at me with the most sweet smile.

After a few more minutes waiting, moomcalfs came out out of a tree opening. They started dancing in the moon light it was a sight to behold.

"Isn't it amazing?" He asked

"Yeah." All I could say still Mesmerized by them.

They dance for a while before the wake through the trees and out of sight.

"Truly amazing!" I said with excitement not every day you see that. "How did you find this place?" Looking back at him

"I was walking to clear my head when I saw them. However, they didn't dance. I guess you are my lucky charm."

"We both know I'm not lucky." I said laughing at his statement.

"Come here." he said, and I listened

He turned me around my back facing him he rapped something around my neck. "Now that's better."

I looked down to see the necklace I was looking at on our first date. Surprised, I look at him.

"Figure you like it," he said with a soft smile.

"Of course!" Still surprised I kept fiddling with it

"Y/N." I looked back up at him, waiting for him to say something.

"I love you." he said, kissing me

"I love you too."

Curious Snakes (Sebastian Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now