Alkari'Ves'Nari <Nari>

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Name: Alkari'Ves'Nari (Or just Nari)

Title: General of the 422nd legion. (Has the rank of Master in the Jedi order.)





Sexuality:Doesn't see the importance of it. (Bi with male lean.)

Personality traits: Calm, disciplined, motherly, kind, when on the field she is confident, assertive, direct and most certainly a force of nature.

Weapons:Singular sabre (Blade is shaped like the Darksaber (katana style) (the blade is green.)

Star ship: The main ship of the 422nd know as the Phython.

Force abilities:
•Cleanse Mind
•Force leap
•Force pull/push
•Animal bond
•Force Boost
•Force Heal

Physical abilities:Nari has been trained to be light on her feet and fast with her actions, although she may not be the most physically strongest she is agile and flexible.

Weaknesses: For what she makes up for in speed flexibility and agility she lacks in physical strength as well as severe insomnia due to an irrational mild fear of the dark.

Backstory: Nari was not born on the Chiss home world, she was born aboard a ship travelling the galaxy, there she lived for 2 years as an infant before pirates attacked and killed her parents, while she was safely hidden away by her mother, days later she was taken in the order after a passing ship had found the now crashed and abandoned ship and there she has remained, she has held a philosophical point of view on war, her thinking being that to defeat an enemy and to understand them, one must study them and sometimes be able to think like one. Years pass and she was granted the rank of Jedi Knight, although once the clone wars rolled around she was made general of the 422nd legion.

As she matured her master was killed in battle via battle droids, despite the bond the two had, Nari kept to the jedi way, not lashing out in anger but still taking out the droids only because it kept the men who where with her safe as well as the planets inhabitants, further cementing her place in the Jedi order.

Appearance: The scar on her face is from shrapnel caused by a stray grenade going off during one of the many battles she has been in

Appearance: The scar on her face is from shrapnel caused by a stray grenade going off during one of the many battles she has been in

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