Chapter One

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"...but Theo, he's your best friend, you can't just abandon him when things get a little tough." His mum tried to reason.
Theo stared out the window for a moment, watching the trees race past as they drove to the small village where Thomas lived.
"Fine, I'll pretend for you, but that thing", he spat, "he's not Thomas."
He glanced at his mum and saw her welling up slightly, he hated getting into arguments with her, but he couldn't stand the thought of seeing Thomas again, especially after he'd managed to block any contact with him since the incident.

The silence in the car was deafening, so eventually, Theo caved and turned the radio on.
He was met with a monotonous, official voice, "the regression virus is not a serious threat, it's not contagious, non lethal and we have it perfectly under -" he smashed the off button and lashed out, hitting the dashboard.
"THEO! What are you doing!" His mum screamed furiously.
"Didn't want to listen to it anyway" he glanced at his knuckles, blood slowly dribbling down.
"We're almost there anyway, we'll get it cleaned up for you."

Only a few minutes later, they pulled into the driveway of Thomas's house, awe overcame Theo's face, he'd never been down here since the incident and he hadn't realised how big there house was. His mum laughed as she saw the starstruck expression on his face. Glancing up the long grand stairs towards the house, people were crowded around the top, chatting, milling around in the garden playing games and having drinks.

Martha, his mums best friend rushed down the stairs towards them, almost tripping over her extravagant high heels. They opened the car doors as she bundled towards them, ensnaring his mum in an excited hug before finally turning her attention to Theo. "Your looking more and more handsome by the day young man."
"Thank you Martha" he replied awkwardly, he slowly began to walk up the long stairs to the grand house while Martha and his mum wittered away about recent parties and other uninteresting topics or a soon to be eighteen-year-old lad.

After what felt like to him like an eternity, they made it to the top of the stairs, he was rushed by a small toddler screaming, "THEEE" as he buried his head into Theo's leg.
A million thoughts rushed through his head, Thomas was no way near this small when he left, is it really him, surely not. He couldn't have changed that much.

"Get off him you naughty boy" Martha joked as the boy ran over to her, and was swooped up in her arms, "I see you've both been reacquainted."

Theo let his mask slip, a moment of shock took control of his face. This boy who had once been his best mate, who'd been by his side since reception was now a long way from being ready for reception again. This boy who had been his best mate was bundled in his mums arm, an obvious bulge in the back of his beige shorts indicating the worst.

He turned away, horrified.

He heard his mum apologise to Martha, "it's a lot for him to take in, I'll talk to him."

"Theo", she called out, " please let's just talk, he doesn't deserve to be treated like this."
He turned around, "Every time I look at him I see the boy who once upon a time I shared everything with, who knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. Now he's just a babbling baby who has to wear a nappy cause he can't go to the toilet."
"It's not his fault Theo, he didn't mean to abandon you, he didn't mean to catch the Virus." She tried to explain, "anyway, he's not wearing nappies, just pull ups for the time being. But regardless, he was your best mate so you can't turn your back on him, would he have done that to you"

Theo looked into the distance, contemplating. He remembered the nights that he'd be up all night crying and Thomas would come to his house with snacks. And they'd sit up all night watching his favourite films, not needing to say a word. Maybe it's his turn to repay the favour.

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