Chapter Three

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Theo woke up, stretching his arms to the side. He rubbed his eyes before reaching down to pull the duvet off him. As he pulled it, it felt heavy, almost sticky.

No it couldn't be, he thought, I'm not a baby.

But he worst thoughts had come true, there it was, a pool around his crotch, not massive but enough to be humiliating.

He called out for his mum, tears flowing down his face.

"Are you alright Theo," she asked kindly, he didn't respond, and she understood. "You go and have a shower, and I'll get this all sorted for you ok?"

He nodded, grabbing a change of clothes before heading to the toilet. Theo bumped into Jake, who noticed his soaked clothes "THEEE wet himself he wet himself," he started giggling "you a baby like me."

Tears streamed down Theo's face as he locked the bathroom door and tore of the soaked clothes. He couldn't believe himself, an eighteen year old wetting the bed. Well, an 'eighteen year old'.

He relished his time in the shower, drawing it out as long as possible to avoid the inevitable conversation.

Downstairs, Jake had been put on the naughty step, "Jake, that is your brother and he is going through a lot, you cannot speak to him like that." His mum chastised.

She waited by his bed for him to come out, his soaked clothes in one hand and his towel covering his privates. "Chuck those clothes in a bag Theo, we need to have a quick chat."

He nodded, putting them in a plastic bag and putting them by her feet, then awkwardly sitting down in his towel by her.

"So, the doctor warned me that this may happen, and unfortunately it is going to keep getting worse. Later, we'll go out and we'll buy you some more clothes, and maybe some stuff to deal with this okay? And when your closer to Jake and Noah's size, you can just share with them."
"I'm not wearing nappies mum, I'm not a baby like Jake and Noah."
"Your likely going to have to eventually. Anyway, get changed, and we'll head out in a bit with Noah and Jake."

Once they arrived at the shop, his mum put Jake into the cart, and Theo was told to walk with Noah. Initially they headed to the baby aisle, Theo believing that it was for Jake and Noah. His mum quickly grabbed a pack of nappies from the colourful plethora before them, before turning to Theo, "I think we have to don't we, I know you don't want to but it's only going to get worse."
He nodded, glancing around to check he didn't know anyone, and from the bottom shelf his mum grabbed two packs of youth GoodNites.

Theo turned away, humiliated beyond belief, but Noah and Jake couldn't tell the difference between there's and the new ones their mum had picked out.

She walked the group of them to the kids clothes section, beginning at those targeted for young teenagers, with video game motifs across the chests. She placed several in the cart, along with shorts, trousers and various packets of underwear. His mum looked at her list, "so early teen years are covered for, we'll get some for when your older then the twins and then you can just share there clothes." She said distracted to him.

They then found themselves roaming around the colds section, looking at spider man T-shirts and briefs, with cargo shorts etc. his mum picked out several of everything, seemingly unsure of the how long he would spend at each age. Then, she walked the group to the checkout where she paid for all of the clothes, and they carried them to the car.

"How about we grab an early dinner while we're out" his mum said excitedly to her three boys. "I reckon I know a good spot." She finished putting the clothes away and drove them to a local cafe.

They sat around, laughing like old times at the twins antics, there constant squabbles etc. before Theo had this massive weight lingering over him. They quickly tore through there meals, his mum having to change the twins eventually reminding him of his certain fate. He sat there in silence, contemplating his future.

When they arrived him, Theo's mum unpacked all of his clothes, putting the majority away out of the way for the time being, but stacking his humiliating DryNites beside his regular underwear.

"Theo, I know it's not quite time to return back from the summer holidays yet, but I spoke to the school, and I think it's best we pull you out now. By the end of the summer, you'll likely be ready to start primary school, I'm sorry honey." Theo nodded, accepting the inevitable. Inside he was furious, that this happened to him. Why was it him and not someone else? "As it's quite late, how about we all get into our pjs, and we go down and watch a film." His mum suggested. He nodded, happy to spend some more time with his family, but he knew they would be watching some childish film like.

She went through to the twins bedroom, changing them both into there footed pjs with little dogs and toys on. Meanwhile, he just changed into a comfortable pair of shorts and a T-shirt. His mum popped her head around the corner - "Theo darling, would you mind putting on a pair of your protective pants just in case you fall asleep. We wouldn't want you to have an accident in front of the boys would we?"

He knew that she was right but he couldn't bring himself to do it, he shut the door and took one from his drawer. "Like real underwear" he thought as he felt it between his hands. They were obviously much thicker, and they didn't appear too discreet. He stepped out of his shorts, and unfolded it cautiously, not wanting the twins to be aware of what he was doing. Before finally stepping into it and pulling it up snug. He pulled his shorts up and headed downstairs, heading a crinkle with every slight movement.

The twins were already lying on a rug in front of the TV, a bottle in each of there hands. He settled down onto the sofa, his mum giving him a questioning glance. Nodding, he looked down, trying to tell whether the bulge was as obvious as it had been when he met Thomas only a couple of days ago. They began watching the film, surprisingly Theo was somewhat enjoying the film, it was the Paw Patrol movie that Jake and Noah seemed to have had on repeat for the last couple of months.

As they kept watching, Theo had to force his eyes open, before finally he rested against the arm of the sofa.

He awoke to a gentle tap on the shoulder, "Theo it's time to go to bed, the twins are both fast asleep so don't be too noisy okay." He groaned back to her, rubbing his eyes before swinging his legs off the sofa. The DryNite he was wearing felt thicker than it had before, surely he was just imagining it.

He rushed upstairs to the bathroom, locking the door and he pulled his shorts down, sure enough there it was. His DryNite sagging between his legs, he'd wet himself again. He was really beginning to believe that he was nothing but a stupid baby, with no control over his bladder, just like Thomas.

Quietly, he creeped into his mums room. She looked up from her book. "Are you all ready for bed honey?"

"I've had another accident mum." He spluttered as he ran into her arms. She gently cradled her son, a hand feeling the soaked DryNite on his bottom.

"Just put them in the little bin we use for your brothers nappies okay?" He nodded, tears still streaming down his face. He pulled a fresh DryNite out of his cupboard, and changed into it in the bathroom, throwing the used one into the overflowing bin.

He quickly got undressed until he was in just a his shorts and his "protective underwear" and he climbed into bed, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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