Chapter Three

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It was dark now, and the men were on alert. A helicopter was ten minutes out and they were going to take the kids with them.

Laiena looked at Tuk who was crying.
"Mawey Tuk, Mawey." She said calmly and Tuk nodded.

She then looked at Lo'ak who had his head down.

Then she heard it.

Their mother was giving them her hunting call to alert them she was close.

To anyone else, it sounded like animals in the forest, but to them it was their mother.

She looked at Lo'ak and he smiled, then she looked at Spider.

"Is that?" He mouthed to her and she nodded.

She heard it again. Their mother was close.

Then an arrow went through one of the men's head.

"Colonel, we got company!" One of them yelled, sounding panicked.
"Watch you're six!" Quaritch yelled as he scanned the area.

Then another man went down.

They must've seen Neytiri shoot one of the men because in a flash they were shooting at her.

"Lo'ak! Laiena!" She yelled at them and instantly the two knew what to do. They pulled the smoke grenadine clip off the men's vests and bit the men holding them.

Kiri then kicked the man holding her and she ran to Tuk. Lo'ak ran to Spider and then everyone started running.

Another man went down, and this time Quaritch saw Neytiri's arrow and recognized her immediately.

"Is that you Mrs. Sully?" He asked as he loaded his gun. "I recognize your calling card."

He then gave his men orders to go find her. "Why don't you come on out Mrs. Sully? You and I? We got some, unfinished business."

Once Neytiri saw her kids were getting away she let out a sigh of relief.

"Demon! I will kill you as many times as I have to!" Quaritch let out a chuckle.

He pointed his finger near a tree and his men walked in that direction. "You and the Corporal seem to be keepin yourselves pretty busy, haven't you? Got yourself a whole litter of, half breeds."

He saw his man had a direct shot at Neytiri and he was about to take it.

Laiena saw someone aiming their gun at Neytiri, and before she could say anything Neteyam shot the man in the head, killing him instantly.

She looked at her brother and he ran to her. "Are you hurt, Lia?" He asked scanning her.
"I'm fine, Tey, let's get out of here!"

"Wait, mom!" She yelled about to turn back but Neytiri was already there.
"I'm here, go!" She yelled.

They nodded and took off running. They then found everyone huddled.

"They took him! They took Spider!" Kiri said to Jake and he held her.

"Mom!" Lo'ak yelled once they got closer. Jake let go of Kiri and instantly had his arms around Laiena.

"Are you alright? Is everyone okay?" He asked, his voice sounding shaky.

Everyone nodded and got in a group hug, glad they were safe.


Back at their mauri, Jake and Neytiri were arguing.

"He's hunting us." Jake said as Neytiri paced back and forth. "He's targeting our family."

"You cannot ask this!" Neytiri yelled. "The children, everything they've ever known! The forest! This is our home!"

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