Mango Lassi

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Do you remember our unofficial first date?

We were just friends back then.

And upon our trip I had asked for outfit advices. My friends said we were going to look like a couple. I obviously disagreed. But turns out you have had the same thoughts crossing by your pretty head.

It was summer, August, and the weather was perfect -sunny and not heavily hot. I wore a white button up with a black short skirt, whereas you wore black dress pants.

Walking was what we did best.

We strolled around the city, adoring. We were adoring the city and each other. I thought your eyes looked mesmerizing together with the sun. I couldn't not take pictures of you.

'Til this day I can't help but to look in to your eyes, and adore them.

As we walked together close to the beach as the sun was preparing to set, I remember an elderly man staring at us as we walked by. Surely he was admiring us, thinking about young love as his memories were traveling back to the time he too was experiencing it.

But while he was admiring about that fond memory of his, I was busy admiring about you.

We had taken so many pictures that day. And while I was busy taking pictures of both us and the city. You had only chosen to take pictures of us and me.

Were we really that oblivious or were we just afraid to admit it, that it was going to be us?

We ended our unofficial first date with dinner at an Indian place. You had been there once before, but with your friends. And really liking it.

As we sat there satisfied with our main courses, waiting for our Mango Lassi. It arrived. With two straws on top to finish it off.

Even the workers thought we looked like an item.

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