August 29th 2022

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The day we got together.

The date I asked if you wanted to be my boyfriend.

In my part, it was actually really unexpected. We had met up, after being separated for merely a week, talking, hugging.


Surely we missed the important part of "do you want to be together" before our lips started to touch the other just a few weeks prior..

Yet, still, there we laid. My back to the bed and my hands on your neck, head, hair, cheeks.. while you above me, kissing.

Trying to make up for lost time.

But as it was a bit unique about how we first started to kiss, it was also special how we got together and became boyfriend and girlfriend.

Because as it turned out, it wasn't unexpected in your part. If anything, you were behind schedule.

You actually wanted to pull the question a week prior to that night, but never felt like the time was right.

Also a week prior to that same night, I actually wanted to get the gut to tell you I wanted to end whatever we so now had.

Because with the state of where we were going. I realised I couldn't continue kissing, hugging and having adorable time together with you. Because I was catching feelings.

Luckily I didn't need to cancel my subscription with having cute times with you.

Because back to that night. That night we popped the question.

As we laid there. Your head on my chest, and us just enjoying the company of the other.

You lifted your head, asking me if we were together.

And I said no.

"Well would you like to be?"


Now that was what you planned the whole thing to go. But I obviously didn't follow your script.

Because although you did lift your head and asked me if we were together.

I didn't say no.

Instead I asked you if you wanted us to be.

Task failed successfully my beloved.

Because while I didn't say yes.

You did.

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