★ Hanako-san of The Toilet

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「DATE AND TIME: August 29, 2022 - 12:20 PM」


"I AM BORED Y/N!" whined the boy ghost to his other ghost friend. The sun shining their translucent bodies. The boy's amber eyes glisten in the afternoon sun, along with his friend's glamorous (e/c) eyes. "Me too!! Since I am bored too, I can't help you!" screamed Y/N. Hanako groaned in pure boredom when Y/N got an idea. 

"You know if we were still alive, we would have grandchildren by now-" said Y/N. "You mean our  grandchildren?~" teased Hanako. Y/N became mentally flustered but, her face deadpanned and flicked his forehead. "That is enough, Hanako." "Ouch, that hurt a lot. NOT." laughed Hanako. Since they were both dead, they can't actually feel pain. Like they feel pain, but not like a human would. 

"Why are you bored, Hanako? I mean you are the most pOpuLar rumor. Shouldn't you have customers?~" teased Y/N, who floated above Hanako's head in a pestering tone. "Quiet, you only got 16 customers in your entire life and half of them got cursed." combated back Hanako. "It's not my fault that bad people come to me!" Y/N said as she blew a raspberry in upside-down, like Spiderman. 

Hanako chuckled and blew a air kiss at his life-long best friend. They got super flustered that they started blushing, covering their face with their sleeves. "Curse you Hanako."


I need to try that rumor. I could get Minamoto-senpai to like me with his wish-granting power. Yeah, that sounded like the perfect plan! I hurried to eat my bento so, I can have enough time to summon Hanako-san. 

"Wow, Nene-chan! What's the rush?" said Aoi. "Sorry, I really need to use the bathroom. Be right back!" I quickly packed my bento box back to my backpack and scurried to the old school building. Once I made it, I rushed up the steps and made it to the third floor. 

I took time to catch my breath and I realized I could be interacting with a ghost! That sent goosebumps up my skin! I took calmer and more grounded steps to the Girls' Bathroom. 

I saw a "清掃中! - Cleaning in Progress!" sign, hung outside the bathroom. I mustered my strength and slightly opened the door to see the haunted Girls' Bathroom of the third floor.

★ Y/N'S POV -

"Hanako! There is a girl!" I whisper-shouted. Hanako and I turned our heads to see a girl with light cream hair with soft teal tips and magenta eyes. Her face plastered in fear but, the courage was there in her eyes. 

"Y/N, get out of here! Go swim in your pool or something." whispered Hanako. I felt offended, not literally though. I am never literally offended. "Rude. I will see you later, Amane~" I teased. "You asshole" said Hanako. "Shoo, I have business." I climbed up the windowsill and jumped out to fall face-front on my face. 


I walked over to the third stall of the Bathroom and felt a really cold breeze. As if a ghost flew past my body. I shivered to knock on the door three times, like what the rumor said. And I said.

"Hanako-san Hanako-san."

"Are you there?"

SilencePure, raw, and eerie silence. 

"Hello...~" A hand grabbed the stall door from the inside and it slowly flew open. Another clod breeze hit my body. I became shivering, not only from the cold, but of fear of my life!!

Until I see that no one is the stall. I am honestly relieved. I must be hearing things. 

Until I felt a hand touch my shoulder and a cold breath caress my ear with the words, "You summoned me?"

I swung my hand to punch whoever that was, only to my hand to go through the person's face!! 

"What's the matter with you? said the person.

Oh my god. I can see right through him. Such a old uniform. Those look like orbs. 

"A-are you a ghost??" I said to the person.

"I prefer apparition."

"Or the Seventh of the Seven Wonders of the school! Hanako, the Bathroom Ghost! Nice to meet you, human!" said the boy.


"So what is your wish? Don't tell me you came unprepared." said the boy, named Hanako.

"Why are you in here? What kind of pervy ghost chooses to haunt the Girls' Bathroom?" Nene said. 

"Okay, we are done here." said Hanako, saddened to return to his stall. 

"NO! I take it back!! You can haunt any bathroom you like! Plus I think it's cool that you are a boy!!" panicked Nene. 

"You think I'm cool? In that case, tell me your name and state your wish!" said Hanako in joy, pulling out a notepad and pen. 

"My name is Yashiro Nene! I am a first-year in Class A! My wish is that the guy I am crushing on will like me back as much as I like him!" said Nene enthusiastically. 

"Got it. And you are asking for your love to be returned. What's his name?"

"Minamoto-senpai, from second year! He's amazing! Cool, smart, and nice to everyone! Once I dropped my pencil case and he picked it up for me!"

"I see. Reminds me of someone." said Hanako under his breath

"Huh? What did you say, Hanako?" said Nene

"Oh! I didn't say anything! Anyways, I'll grant your wish." said Hanako, in a panic

"Really?! Wait, how do you grant wishes, Hanako-san? Do you use special items or something?" questioned the cream-colored girl. 

"Yup! I've got a great one right here!" said Hanako

Hanako pulled out a vintage book of 100 Methods of Love: This is Love

"No." Nene deadpanned

"Now, now. If you borrow my power, you need to pay a fitting price. If you want power beyond human comprehension, the price will be that much steeper. So, this is safer." advised Hanako

"But...what if I still wanted more?" worried Nene

"That would be...impossible, since I don't have the tools for it!" exclaimed Hanako.

"What?!" screamed Nene

But this will work out right?! Hanako-san is a ghost who grants wishes. He must have granted love wishes lots of times before! But, her high hopes were not as she expected. 

Meanwhile with Hanako: Method 78: Make the most of your special abilities! I remember reading this book back when I was alive. I tried to use it on Y/N-san but, they are clueless.

"Do you have any special abilities, Yashiro?" 


Damn this was a long ass chapter. So long that this is Part 1. I might publish Part 2 tomorrow and start on it today.

What I am really struggling with is the meeting of Y/N. I probably will do that after the garden scene. I will work my way around it. 

MUST NOTE: bold with italic means thoughts. italic mostly means it's the end of the chapter but, it also mean emphasis on the word. 

Till then, folks. 

Yamane Yashiro

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