❤️ ||Esterházy x Maid! reader || Workaholic.

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Reminder that I will do Ovenbreak characters and NPC's ! 👏

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Reminder that I will do Ovenbreak characters and NPC's ! 👏

Alright let's get into daddy— I mean Esterházy x reader oneshot 🙏

Apologies if there's any spelling mistakes I'm still tired after the Atlanta trip with my indoor family LOL (I had to push my vibraphone up a hill twice and down a hill twice my wind was knocked out of my system three times LOL I'm fine though I need rest)

Reader will be they/them.

less go -dababy


"Another day in this GOD FORSAKEN castle filled with a bunch of Maniac cookies who want to take over the world.."

I swept the floor with utmost precision.  I work under Dark Enchantress because she saved me from literally freezing to death when my parents... abandoned me.  I love what she does, but her followers are.. something else.  First Licorice cookie always yells in his room, second Poison Mushroom is such a sweet kid, but they want to literally kill me with shroomies.  Pomegranate is too much, Red Velvet is like a brother to me, but he's annoying too.  Dark Choco left, to which I've been informed by Pomegranate that he has left the Strawberry Jam Sword behind.  About time.  Chess Choco runs like crazy idiots, Lobster cookie is just...uh...weird.  Strawberry Crepe wants to run experiments on me, and matcha is just weird.

"(Y/N) PLEASE HELP ME WITH A PROBLEM!"  Licorice exclaimed.  I groaned and dropped my broom.  I walked over to Licorice cookie, and the scene made me almost laugh.  There he was, tangled up in a bunch of wires by Strawberry Crepe cookie.  "Aww c'mon!  Just one test!"  Strawberry Crepe cookie said.  "HEY WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT TRYING TO EXPERIMENT ON COOKIES?"  I yelled.  Strawberry Crepe cookie stumbled back from the sudden voice.  "I— Uh—"  "Untangle Licorice cookie right now."  I said.  "OKAY FINE!"  They said, untangling licorice.  Licorice fell on the floor as he got up and dusted himself off.  "Good riddance!  Thank you (Y/N)."  Licorice said.  I ruffled his hair a little bit, to which he groaned.  "It's all good.  Now I have to get back to work."  I said.  "You're literally a Workaholic!  Don't you need a break?"  Licorice pleaded.  I sighed.  "I have to work around the castle.  It what occupies me everyday."  I said.  With that, I exited the place and continued to do my maid work.


"(Y/N)!  I need your help!"
"(Y/N), I hope I don't bother you, but I need help with something!"
"(Y/N), my dear— Oh god what seems to trouble you?"  Affogato Cookie questioned.  I looked at him, obviously stressed.  My hair looked slightly Tangled as my expression was nothing but stress.  I literally had bags under my eyes.  "Hm.  What is it you want, Affogato?  Come for my assistance again?  Please do tell me!"  I said with a smile.  He scoffed.  "What you need is a break you workaholic!  You're destroying yourself at the very second you work.  Why not take..a break from time to time?  I'm sure your 'mother' will be very pleased with your decision."  Affogato Cookie said.  I stared at him.  "I must continue to work.  Last time I tried to take a break she yelled at me."  I said.  With that, I continued to dust the portraits on the wall while a stunned Affogato Cookie stood there.


"(Y/N), Dark Enchantress would like to see you."  Red Velvet said.  I threw my duster on the ground with the most tired and angry expression any cookie could have.  Red velvet looked in shock.  "..On it."  I simply said.  I walked away from where I was dusting and strolled in her room.  I closed the door and stared at Dark Enchantress.  "What is it you need, Mother?"  I asked.  She looked at me with shock.  "Dear god (Y/N)! You look like as if you've been working all day!"  "That's because I have been working all day."  I replied.  She scoffed.  "Well you do know we have many other maids, right?"  "They don't work the expectation like I do, Mother.  At least I do everything you say, and I do it with the utmost quality too."  I said, bowing.  "Dear (Y/N), you should take a break.  Go to your room, Esterházy will be there to care for you.  I'm very aware of your relationship with him too."  DE said.  I instantly started to sweat.  "Uh—" "I guess I'm proud.  Now go to your room and take. a. break.  I don't want to see my daughter so stressed out and working like a workaholic around the castle!"  She demanded.  I nodded.  "Yes mother."  I simply said.  I sighed as I was walking to my room.  

"(Y/N)!  We have a gift for you!"
"We have a gift for you."

I looked at chess Choco cookie in confusion.  "Oh?  And what is the gift?"  I asked.  Chess Choco cookie both handed me a bracelet.  One that was crafted from the finest chocolate, and one was crafted from the finest jam anyone could find.  I smiled and pet them.  "Aww...that's sweet..thank you for the gift!"  I said.  They both jumped happily as they ran away.  I chuckled.  I opened my room to be met with Esterházy on my bed reading a book.  I cleared my throat as he looked up.  "Ah, (Y/N).  I'm glad you received DE's news."  Esterházy said.  He closed the book and walked up to me, hugging me.  I hugged him back.  "I would much rather be working."  I said.  He shushed me as he picked me up and sets me down on the bed.  "You don't have to work yourself more than you should work, Dear.  Please take some rest.  The rest of the maids shall cover your tasks."  He said, closing the door.  I sighed.

"...Guess I really am a Workaholic, huh?"  I said.  I heard Ester chuckle as he was preparing a cup of tea for the both of us.  "Yes, you are quite the workaholic, darling.  You probably need therapy too, so if you need anyone, your lovely boyfriend is here for you."  Esterházy said.  I laughed.  "Ha!  Alright!  I'll..take a break."

With that, I laid my head on my pillow as he was humming in the silent air.  The tea was finished when he heard soft snoring.  He turned around to find you sleeping comfortably on the bed.  He smiled as he kissed you on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams, my dearest (Y/N).  I love you."
"..I love you too..."


A short, yet sweet oneshot for your daddy— I mean Esterussy— I MEAN Esterházy!


Mineeeee diiiiamondssssss
so far I got

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