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(The cloak is what you where wearing but you can do whatever you want with the outfit underneath)

~3rd person pov~
You where sitting in bed looking up at the ceiling you where very bored you yawned then you got a idea to go out into nature and read a book and relax you grabbed your brown cloak (aka the photo above) you also grabbed a book bag and placed f/b (fav book) in it
You put it on your shoulder and left your room. As you where where walking trough the hall eclipsa walked up to you "where are you going dear?" She asked you "just on a walk" you said "ok, be careful" she said walking away then you continued walking.
You left the monster temple then you started to walk down the stairs 'gosh this is a workout' you thought to yourself then you got the to the bottom of the stairs 'finally that's over with' you sighed then you started to walk trough the village. You grabbed your head phones out of your book bag and started playing f/s (fav song) you keep on walking then you got to the forest area, then you keep walking until you found a good spot. You grabbed your book out of your book bag and started reading

~10 minutes later~

You where reading you book then you heard a loud thud and some mewmans talking. Even though eclipsa started ruling it still didn't mean people did not beat up monters even though it has been 14 years since eclipsa started ruling (most I'm counting meteora as a new born then eclipsa started ruling because in the series she's a baby) you ran over to see if the monster was ok you saw him on the ground bloody with a lot of bruises and cuts. "Oh no..." you said to yourself you knew who did it, it was those mewmans that don't accept and hate monsters
'Can't believe there at it again!' You thought to yourself it disgusted you that mewmans still hurt monsters because there bitter over everything that happened "your coming with me" you said trying to pick the monster up "dang your heavy!" You said then you finally picked him up "finally" you said trying to keep your balance

~when you got to the village/monster temple~
You walked trough the village some how not being noticed you made it to the stairs
"Oh gosh.." you said to yourself then you started walking up the stairs hoping you would not fall
Then you finally got up the stairs and got to the door you opened the door and ran to your room and closed the door you layed him on the bed (get your mind out of the gutter XD) you then ran into the bath and you accidentally left your door a little cracked
Then meteora walked by and saw toffee in your bed she giggled a little thinking her sister had a boyfriend then she ran off.
You came back with a first aid kit healing his wounds you sighed to yourself then you sat on the edge of the bed looking at your phone

~end of 3rd person pov~

~Timeskip brought to you by: toffees abs~

~Toffee pov~
I woke up in a random bed I saw a girl in a brown cloak sitting there looking at her phone I moved back until i hit the wall
"You must be awake" she said putting down her cloak "where am I?" I asked "well your in the monster temple" she said smiling
"It doesn't look like it..." I said I did not know if she was lying or telling the truth "oh you must be new here" she said
'Well not really I have been here for hundreds of years' I thought "well I'm not new here but I have not been here in awhile" I said "ok" she said "we'll ever since queen eclipsa started ruling the monster temple has become the royals new castle or well home" she said smiling
"Mind if I ask what your name is" I said "I don't mind it! I'm princes y/n or y/n" she said smiling then I grabbed her hand and kissed it (why bc he's a gentleman) then she blushed "well I must be going" I said "why?" Y/n asked "because I'm not on good terms with the royal family" I said "oh because your a monster.. but don't worry queen eclipsa loves monsters literally!" She said "well it's complicated" I said
"Why?" I asked then I heard a knock at the door "i need to hide" I said "why?" She asked "just trust me no matter what I do the royal family will hate me..." I sighed "fine hide under my bed" she sighed and rolled her eyes

~End of toffee pov~

~3rd person pov~
Y/n got up and opened the door then she saw meteora at the door "I know your secret" she said with a cheeky smirk on her face
"What secret?" You asked "well that you have a boyfriend" she said "what?" You said confused "don't play dumb with me! I saw a boy in your bed!" She said then you realized it was that monster you saved! You started to blush thinking about it then stoped
'Y/n you just met him you can't fall for him this fast!' "Oh that..." you said "well if you give me 20 bucks I won't tell mom and dad" she said smirking "ugh fine..." you said walking up to your book bag and you grabbed 20 spare dollars "here.. and you better not tell!" You said
"Ok... you two have fun~" said winking then she left you felt like you could vomit but and also kind of liked him

~Toffee pov~
Did she just say boyfriend!? Ugh I can't believe this! I mean y/n is cute but if we just met and if we got close we would just be friends...
I shook my head then when I saw her leave I got out from under the bed "is she gone?" I asked "yes" she said then I climbed out form under the bed "I'm sorry about my little sister she can be like that..." she said scratching the back of her neck "it's fine..." I said nervously
"I forgot to ask your name" you said "you can call me toffee" I said then I kissed her hand again "pleasure meeting you" I said
I could tell she was flustered "well you already know my name" she laughed "well I must be going now" i said
"Why?" She asked "I'm not on good terms with the royals" I said "well if it's because your a monster it doesn't matter now eclipsa rules so your able to roam around free... well besides those certain mewmans" she said "well I may have done a few things in the past some things...
To be honest I don't regret a thing..." I said coldly "can you tell me what you did?" She asked "I will tell you a different time for now I must go..." I said "goodbye toffee...
"Goodbye princess"

(Thanks for reading I'm really excited to update this!)
(Word count 1214 words)

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