I'm Ready To Run

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I lay there on the ground for a moment , taking in the pain. I winced as I stood up. That fall did not help my cuts and bruises at all. I brushed myself off and headed towords the front door of my house. I couldn't hear my dad banging on the door anymore , so I made sure I was being extra cautious. Plus I didn't know where his girlfriend was. Probably at a club or something. 

I walked up the stairs to the door and tried the knob. Luckily, it was Unlocked. Now that I think about it , does my dad ever lock the door?

I peeked my head inside and when I didn't see anyone, I rushed up the stairs. I was going as silently as I could. I started speed walking to Dario's room. When I got to his door , I rushed inside and went through his dresser , looking for things such as clothes , diapers, ect. I took everything I needed and put it in a bag. I then went over to Dario's crib and picked him up. Mental fist bump , he was still sleeping. I ran to my room as fast as I could without waking up Dario. I skidded to a stop as I turned the corner. I carefully tip-toed around my sleeping dad that was sitting on the ground with his head resting on the bathroom door. He had a liquor bottle in his hand. I saw a knife in his belt too. Wait.... Was he gonna use that on me!?!? What the hell is wrong with him!?

I quickened my pace , hoping not to wake him. I used the same bag as Dario and stuffed some clothes , money , and anything worth any value. I couldn't bring my skateboard with me. It would be to much to carry. I looked around  gloomily, making sure I had everything. That's when my eyes landed on the old gold necklace laying on my bedside table. I put my bag and Dario's bag down and made my way to the necklace. I put Dario on the bed and picked up the frail necklace and opened it. What I saw bright tears to my eyes. I quickly closed it pushing the memories of my mom away. I looked around and found a little box. I put the necklace i. It and closed it with one final glance. I put the box into my pocket. I then grabbed Dario and the bag and ran out of the my room. Tears started to cascade down my cheeks which made it hard to see. All the good memories of my mom and i flooding my memory. Oh how I miss her. 

Forgetting about my dad , I tripped over his legs. The bag went flying and Dario was on my stomach , were I had luckily caught him. Dario began to wake up , screaming and crying. Why Dario? Why now? 

My father woke up and looked around startled. His eye landed on me and he relised what he was doing by the bathroom door. 

"You bitch!" He started " what the hell do you think you are doing?" I paid no attention to his words as I got up , grabbed the bag and ran with Dario screaming , crying and hitting me. Dario didn't hurt me, just made it a struggle for me. I looked back to see my father stumbling behind me. 

I ran out the door and down the street to who knows where. All the sudden I heard something shatter behind me. I stopped and turned around to see glass shards behind me. I looked up from the glass and saw my dad yelling stuff I couldn't understand. 

Probably cussing me out.

 I burst out laughing at him cause he look retarded. He was waving his fist in the air now. I started  mimicking him , waving my fist in the air and making faces. Then he started running/stumbling towards me again. 

"Oh shit" I said under my breath and started running again, with Dario bouncing up and down on my hip. I ran till it seemed like it had been hours. I stopped to catch my breath. I looked around and saw a shopping center on my left and a Starbucks on my right. Ahead of me was a skate shop , a car shop , and a Taco Bell 

"Where the hell am I?" 

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