Cpt 4.

84 5 12

Unwanted Guest

Saturday, May 11 - 12:34pm


  The sound of a car alarm blared from the street below his apartment window. Harry shot up from his pillow in a panic, groaning when he realized what the noise was. His head was pounding lightly as rays of sunlight pried their way through the boy's eyelids.

  "Jesus christ.." Harry mumbled, trying to escape back into sleep unsuccessfully. A small bird perched itself on the windowsill, screaming at it's friends across the busy road. It seemed like the entire world was awake - except for Harry.

  Whining, he rolled out of bed and shoved on a pair of slippers, heading into the kitchen. The fridge was no more full than it was the last time he checked, seeing as he had never remembered to go out and actually buy food.

  Eyeing a small cup of noodles, Harry sighed and flicked on the kettle. 'Another nutrient packed breakfast..' he thought to himself, pacing back and forth as he waited for the water to boil. The great thing about electric kettles was that they always boiled water much faster than he'd expect.

  Dumping some instant coffee into a homemade mug that Ginny had gifted him when they were young, Harry waited with his head in his hands, praying that the headache would go away. Why did he go out to drink.. this always happened.

  Just when he was starting to drift off on the kitchen counter, someone began banging on his door. This startled Harry so much that he knocked the mug over, spilling instant coffee powder all over the wooden countertop.

  "What!" He shouted, shoveling the powder back into the red mug with his hands. The banging continued relentlessly, with no answer from the person on the other side of the door. 

  Harry stomped towards the door, shouting as he swung it open. "I said what!- oh.." Immediately regretting his decision to open it, Harry stood in front of one very angry tall blonde. "Yea.. what is it?" he asked.

  "Where the hell is it." Malfoy demanded, his face red with fury.

  Harry stood for a second, blinking up at the blonde in confusion. "Huh..?"

  "Where is it! I know you have it." Malfoy pushed his way past Harry, letting himself into the boy's apartment.

  "Hey- Hey! What are you doing- Stop, get out!" Harry protested as he was hastily shoved aside. "What are you even talking about?"

  Malfoy made his way to the couch, searching under the cushions and through the tv stand. "I know you have it. My watch. You came over last night, and stole it." he said, not looking up.

  "Are you mental? I never stole your watch- I didn't steal anything!" Harry followed Malfoy around his apartment, putting back various books and pillows that were thrown to the floor. 

  "Who else would it be? You were the only one there. It was on my wrist when I left my apartment last night, and it was gone when I woke up." The blonde opened the door to Harry's bedroom, heading straight for his desk.

  "Hey, get out of there! I didn't take your watch, I couldn't have! You didn't even have a watch on when I ran into you." Harry tugged at Malfoy's arm, pulling him away from his desk drawer

  Malfoy froze, turning around as he sent Harry flying to the ground at the sudden change in posture. "What?" he asked, astonished.

  "uFf-" Harry thudded against the hardwood floor, rubbing his hip bone as he sat up. "What." he echoed.

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