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"Hello?" Serena was perplexed as Dawn came skipping towards her, starry-eyed and jubilant as ever. Her blue locks bounced as she literally skidded to a halt, engulfing the poor blonde into a bone-crushing hug. The honey blonde, who was unaware of the latest development that had happened behind the scenes, looked over to Ash with bewilderment. He responded by sheepishly smiling.

"I am so glad to see you; It's been long since we met, hasn't it?" The blunette gushed. She was still the positive bubble of optimism. Serena smiled sincerely. Although she wasn't aware that Dawn was supposed to be tagging along, she felt mentally relieved. It would have been awfully boring to roam through the shops alone. Maybe she just go along with the blunette. Suddenly, Dawn's eyes widened, as if she remembered something.

"Oh, Paul, there you are" Dawn grinned in relief as she spotted the one her eyes were searching for ─ a man with lilac hair and penetrating obsidian eyes. He had his hand tucked in the pocket of his jeans, a loose purple shirt on and a cold, near to emotionless face. He was quite handsome too. It was Serena's first time seeing him and she was already having goosebumps on her arms from the coldness in his demeanor. But neither Ash nor Dawn looked fazed.

"How are you, Paul?" Serena saw as the corners of Ash's lips formed a lopsided smile. She felt her heart thump and turned away, the tip of her ears turning into an unremarkable shade of pink. As she did, her eyes locked with Dawn's royal blue orbs intently observing her. But the blunette quickly replaced her keen look with one of gentle friendliness.

"I am well and you seem good too" The man named Paul replied, smiling a bit. Serena had assumed that this man wasn't capable of smiling, considering the blank expression he had worn until seconds ago. She mentally scolded herself for being prejudicial. However, she couldn't deny but justify her thinking as something natural. First impressions matters, don't they? Her conscience pricked at her when the realization that she wasn't herself good at first impressions hit her like arrow.

"─ By the way Paul, meet Serena. She is my friend and Personal Assistant" Ash introduced, gesturing towards the sapphire-eyed woman. Her heart suddenly felt cold at being referred to as a friend; she should be grateful that he was even considering her as someone who was his friend. Sweeping the turbulent feelings under the rug, Serena stepped forward, nervous under the domineering icy gaze of the man. Collecting every shred of remaining self-confidence in her, she politely greeted him.

"Hello, my name is Serena. It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr., er?" The honey blonde flushed as she realized that she didn't know his full name yet. Internally facepalming at her stupidly, she stupidly waited for him to say something first.

"My name is Paul Shinji. It is a pleasure to meet you, Serena; I hope I can call you that" Paul replied kindly, his voice bordering on clumsiness. Serena looked up at him and suddenly the man didn't seem frightening anymore. He had the same expressionless face but his eyes were soft and polite, almost reminding her of Drew's emerald eyes.

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