Chp. 5 : Cafeteria Surprise

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Hey guys. Really excited for this to be published, can't wait to see how many reads/votes/comments I get!

Enjoy the update!


Mr. Teller had said he'd gone easy on Sam and I, settling for detention. Sam had acted like we'd gotten off easy, but I, on the other hand, had never gotten detention.
We were sentenced to detention after school for one hour Wednesday-Friday, meaning we had three day detention starting tomorrow.
This was all Sam's fault! If he could get the hell off my back I could just live my life, peacefully, without friends or enemies! But no, we both have detention for something he did. I feel like Kansas is an unlucky state. You either get sucked off in tornadoes, or you become enemies with one of the most popular boys in school (definitely the most popular freshmen.). It hadn't even occurred to me yet, but why was Sam doing any of this? Did he honestly hate me that much, or was he also forced into this? Whatever his angle, I was now totally convinced that I had to do something to separate myself from Sam. But if that meant making friends, it was not happening. I could do this without compromise. Maybe.
And so, the rest of Tuesday was spent with my forehead in my hands and my pride completely shot to the ground. And the worst part was that my parents were being notified about this "offense", which meant Mom would end our agreement as quickly as she's proposed it. Not that I planned to take her up on it.
As I walked out of the crumbly brick end of the high school, I tapped Shelly's contact on my touchscreen. The phone only had to ring twice.
"Hey Blakey-boo!" Shelly's excitement eased my hunched shoulders, making me smile.
"Hey, Shell-bell."
"Shell-bell" and "Blakey-boo" were names we'd called each other since we had learned each other's real names. It felt sadly sweet to hear our normal greeting, us being so far apart. There was silence on the line for a moment before Shelly broke it.
"You want to tell me something?"
And I did. For the second time in five days I was calling my best friend and completely drenching her in my many, many problems. Shelley hardly made a noise until I told her about Sam raising his hand and telling on me like a baby, when she muttered, "Ass whole.", earning a small chuckle from me. She always knew what to say.
"In conclusion," I said, "Sam is a douche bag who has done everything he could possibly think of to mess with me since I got here!"
Shelly took a thoughtful pause, seeming to contemplate my words. What was there to contemplate? "I think he likes you," Shelly blurted.
"What?" I gasped.
"Um, he has the hots for you? I don't know any other way to explain it."
"Got to go," I hissed into my phone. I hung up before Shelly could object.
What she had just suggested was absolute madness. Just the idea of Sam liking me made my pulse rage. I felt my skin heating up, most likely from bubbling rage. But... it didn't feel like rage.
I shook my head, my small blush going down considerably. Sam does not like me. And most importantly, I don't like him!
Shelly called my phone, but I ignored the call. I didn't want to talk to anybody about my day anymore. I had to face my parents.


Wednesday morning was... odd. Upon walking into my first period class everyone fell silent. I guess they were all watching to see what that-girl-who-was-passing-notes-to-Sam was going to do next.
I sat in the seat furthest from Mr. Teller's desk, which happened to be the one directly behind Charlotte. Again. I sighed as I dumped my things on to the desk, and seated myself.
Charlotte didn't waste time, immediately spinning around to face me. "So," she murmured. "Look who's got everybody jealous."
I glanced around at the several students close to us, noticing their stolen peeks at us, trying to intercept our conversation. What could they have to be jealous of?
Charlotte rolled her eyes at my cluelessness. "Um, don't act dumb," she spat.
I stared at her. "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about."
Charlotte rolled her dark eyes. Again. "You are the first freshman to snag Sam."
"What?" I asked, appalled at her frankness.
Charlotte sighed, turning around in her seat.
Snag Sam? What the hell could that mean?! I hadn't noticed before, but the freshman girls around me were shooting several nasty glares. Could this really be because they thought I was trying to snag Sam? And I still didn't understand how what I was doing could remotely be classified as "snagging". People can be so stupid.
The clock seemed against me as it ticked at a snail's pace through second and third period. When the bell for the beginning of fourth period rang, I could not be thankful enough. Time for lunch.
For the past few days I'd either sat alone, or at a small table and not socialized. It was my whole "no friends" policy. Today I carried my lunch tray through the line and toted it to a small rectangular table in the corner. The only other people there were two nerdy freshmen who made out whenever possible. They were gross to watch, none the less to eat lunch with, but at least they only took up a portion of the table.
I was startled from my thoughts as a tray slammed into the table across from me, causing me to look up skeptically. Sam was standing there, glaring at me.
I sighed, exasperated. "What could it possibly be?" I asked Sam, frustrated.
"Holding a grudge" did not describe how disgusted I was with him.
Sam shrugged. "I'm just trying to do my job."
"What?" I asked, not picking up on any hints he was trying to lay down.
Sam flicked his hair out of his face with a quick tilt of his chin. "I'm assuming the people behind this arrangement would like me to prevent you from becoming a social outcast."
"So then what are you suggesting?" I said with gritted teeth.
Sam gave me a small head cock. "I don't think any freshmen girl would pass up this opportunity."
"You want me to sit with you."
"Want is the not the right word," Sam scoffed, throwing up his chin.
"Then what is?"
"Maybe... the offer of a lifetime?"
"I clenched my jaw, considering. I didn't really want to sit alone... and this wouldn't count as making friends. More like some necessary socialization. If I didn't speak to somebody soon, my vocal chords could take on permanent damage.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
"Yeah, I'll come."
Sam gave a smirk of satisfaction. He led the way to his table, the jock table. Even though I knew he wasn't a football player, the jocks were the popular boys, and therefore I knew Sam fit in with them. Sam motioned for me to sit on the bench in between two boys with wide shoulders. Both were sexy enough to make my knees week.
The cafeteria had grown quiet, and I felt eyes on me. The freshmen girl invited to sit at the popular table. That would get the attention of a whole entire cafeteria of high school students.
I set my tray down in between the two boys, who immediately introduced themselves.
Trey was a tanned brunette, much like Sam, but he had more stubble on his chin, and muscular arms.
Mason was the slightly shorter, (though still considerably tall) with dirty blonde hair and a cute freckly face.
There was a short minute of awkward silence at the table.
Then Trey spoke. "So. You have detention?"


Hey people!! Aren't you proud of me? Getting the update out early? I know, I'm proud of me too. Paint_Splash_ , you're welcome.

By the way, anybody know a form of the word surprise other than surprisingly or surprising I can use for chapter titles? Haha

Next update: Monday earliest (I'm sorry, but we're released from school May 29, and I'm super busy this summer!)

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