Chp. 6 : Detention Surprise

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Sam and Blake in detention ^^^

New update, who's excited?! Well, so be it. I am.

Sorry it took so flipping long to update... been busy. Anyways, thank my friend Bradley for making me watch The Strangers. I now cannot fall asleep, and have taken to lying here writing until this cruel time period of no updates comes to an end.

But guess what! This update is long. :)

Enjoy ;)


Lunch had definitely been... interesting. Trey and Mason had actually been... kinda cool. But then of course, Sam had gone and humiliated me by making some rude-ass comment about my fisty temper, and acting so shocked when everyone asked him to recall his story. And so he did. And I wanted to kill him for it.
Fifth period and sixth period were completely boring. All we did in science was some freaking boring experiment that I was half asleep through.
I walked into seventh period a minute or two late, taking my assigned seat near the front of the classroom. I felt eyes glaring into my back, something I was becoming used to between Charlotte and Sam. It's funny how influential and rude people seem to repulse me. And I repulsed them for repulsing me. And so on, and so forth.
I pretended to toss hair over my shoulder, stealing a peek at whoever was staring at me. In the back row sat a lanky boy with scraggly blonde hair, and a cute face. His cheeks were tanned, and his blue eyes stuck out to me. If I had to give him a Disney character, he'd be Jack Frost from Rise Of The Guardians. But who looks at somebody and immediately precepts a Disney character? Not someone like Jack Frost. Not someone like cutie Jack Frost.
Jack Frost tossed blond bangs out of his line of vision, which was no longer focused on me. I could tell, though, by the way his eyes didn't move as he "studied" his notes, that he had in fact been watching me. There was a slight blush to his cheeks. Maybe I could play this. I smirked at the thought of Jack Frost cutie staring at me. Did he have a crush on me?
Oh my freaking God.
Did I just smirk? Did I just consider playing this, whatever that meant?
What has Sam brought upon this universe! I spun around in my seat quickly, tucking hair behind my ear. Whatever spurt of confidence/arrogance/cockiness I'd had a millisecond ago had vanished. And I was slightly relieved.
Class continued, seeming to go fast rather than slow, as it did most days. That was thanks to the fact that after seventh period came my one hour detention. Yippee.
One hour detention after school. Sam and I in a room, most likely alone, without any forms of vocal communication. Hopefully.
My Algebra teacher Mrs. DiSalvo announced to the class that we'd be assigned partners for a group assignment, a 30-page packet. I sighed an exasperated sigh alongside many of my classmates, rolling my eyes as well. Mrs. DiSalvo was known for unnecessarily hard assignments. Hopefully I'd get one of the math genius Asians as my partner.
"Poker faces everyone!" Mrs. DiSalvo said. "I don't want to see any eye rolling at your partners."
I almost rolled my eyes at her not wanting me to roll my eyes.
"Ryan-Taylor, Erinn-Luke, Morgan-Jack," Mrs. DiSalvo paired guys and girls, waving her fingers at them.
"Blake and..." Mrs. DiSalvo searched the room for a "suitable" partner. "Jonathan." I glanced lazily at where Mrs. DiSalvo motioned, surprised to see Jack Frost staring back at me, his lips pursed ever so slightly.
I huffed.
"Blake!" Mrs. DiSalvo said, eyes widened. "Did I see a reaction from you?"
I shook my head at her quickly.
Mrs. DiSalvo's eyes became slits. "If you didn't already have Wednesday-Friday, I'd assign a detention," Mrs. DiSalvo hissed, not-so-quietly.
I groaned as snickers became audible around the room. Thanks, Mrs. DiSalvo.
Jack Frost carried his binder against his hip and set it down beside me. He gave me a small, why looking smile.
Jack Frost extended his hand to me. "Jonathan," he said, in a smooth, rich voice. I gulped before shaking his hand firmly. He was cute. Really cute. Like, smolderingly cute.
Jack-I mean Jonathan-shook platinum blonde hair out of his face.
"Blake," I breathed.
Jack blushed slightly and flipped open his binder, making my cheeks flare.
"And by the way," I said, "that huff wasn't meant to be derogatory."


Seventh period was over. The halls were flooded with students pouring out of the front and back doors, towards busses, and student parking. And yet, rather than walking by myself and trying to prevent being shoved to the ground on the steps, I was making the walk of shame to the detention room, where I would spend an hour with Sam. In the same room.
I ducked into the dimly lit classroom on the second floor, checking my surroundings. Other than a red headed stoner with a beanie in the corner, the room was deserted. No loud obnoxious blondes to be seen.
A fat, and I mean fat, teacher walked into the room, a sub sandwich in his hand, and teensy little glasses sliding down his oily nose. I sucked in a breath as he closed the door behind him. Still no obnoxious blonde.
The fat man went over rules-no talking, no gum, no eating, and no passing notes. I just bobbed my head, watching the door nervously. My prayers that Sam would ditch detention weren't answered, to my dismay. Sam sauntered in the door-earning a sigh from me-and sat in the seat right behind me. In an almost empty room. He chose to sit right behind me.
Detention began. The clock ticked, and I stared around the room. So far so good. I looked at the clock after what felt like forever. We were ten minutes in.
I was almost relieved when Sam's hand prodded my shoulder, and discretely handed me a note.

Detention with you is almost fun. Wish we could talk. :)

Almost fun. Thanks Sam. I picked up my pencil to write him back, but remembered with a yawn that last time I'd passed Sam a note, I'd ended up right here.
I smirked to myself and folded the note into my hand, shooting my hand up.
"Mr. Fat-" I stopped myself. "Sir, Sam is passing me notes!"
I heard Sam gasp behind me, but I was already practically sprinting to the front of the room, depositing the note in Mr. Fat Man's desk, and spinning around with a victorious grin.
If expressions could kill, I'd be hanging from a tree.


Hey guys! I'm really happy for this to go out! By the way, give a look to my friend Golden_Star_ 's book, The Winning Pledge, and get votes for votes!

Ok, goals tyme! (Yes, a "y". deal with it. That's for you Sydney.) 300 views by the end of June?? 400 before August 11? (End of summer for me) Come on guys, get me there! Love you all!

Next update: Friday at the earliest.

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