chapter one

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it was meant to be the greatest game of the century. I was told by my cousin Carly that I will be going with her, Wade and the others to see this game and have a great time. she knew that I had hated the sport. I dated a man that was a football player but they didn't end to well.
     I sighed as I looked out the window, my cousin was thinking of moving to new york
    "there is a place in Tribeca for $3000." Paige said to her.
    "that's way to expensive, not with my saving's that won't cover two month rent," Carly said to her. I nodded to that.
    "Im going have to work until grabruationg to pay off everything," she said.
   "don't thnk about not going," Paige said.
   "Im not," she ssaid and then Wade showed up.
     hey babe," he said.
    "sorry there were two redmecks fighting in the bathroom," he said and I chuckled knowing that must have been my cousin and his friend.
   "there is no rednecks in New York," Paige said and I looked at her
      " there isn't," Wade said and I knew that tone.
    "Im'going to see what Blake is doing.  he seems to like that car more than me nowadays," she said and then left. I looked at her and then shook my head at that.
    "now that we have a secod I don't want to make this a make this a big beal," he started to say and then i cleared my throat he said sorry adn then went back to her.
   "You know that I want to have a good time on our road trip this weekend but why on earth did yout brother have to come with us? Selia I get," he said adn I made a offened noise.
    "no offince lele," he said to me and I pouted,
    "you said that your parents weren't gonna posy his bail anymore, not this time," he said to Carly. I was worried that he was going to say something that was going to upset her.
     "they didn't. Blake did. he invited him to come." she said.
     "im guess Nick makes him feel more badass, I don't know," I said to that coment. soon Nick and Dalton came out and I watched them. I grew angry that he had kicked a homeless person and then said to get a job.
    "that's nice. yeah," Wade said and I agreed with him on that one.
    when Dalton sat down he pointed the camrea at Clary.
     "so, what do you think guys? Gonna to be a sweet game huh?" wade asked.
      "yeah," nick said to him.
Dalton picked up his camera and filmed her. she looked at him and then grew annyoied.
     "Dalton please don't film me," she said.
     "what?" Dalton asked
    "im not filiming," he said.
    "yes you are. the red light is on," Carly said to him. that was when Nick stopped him. he may be a dick and everything but he loves his family , he just may not show it.
     "put the camrts down. she doesn't like having people up in her face," he said as he smiked at her.
    "she folds underpressure," he said but that had sound like it was personal.
       "you got somehtign to say to me?"  she asked and I sighed knowinf that they have some tension  between the two of them.
     "no think that you already spokeen enough for the both of us don't you think?" he asked her.
     when he said that, the tensoin grew and I was sad that they were acting like this. my mother killed herself because of my father. my father was killed because of my mother's death and he drove head first into traffic. he was drunk when that happened. the only family that took me in was Carly's mom and dad. they were my aunt and uncle. they wanted a second chance and picked me up.
     "you guys are lame, im out of here," Dalton said and then left to the other two  who I had a feeling was making out.
     soon we were in the backseat of Wade's small car, I was pretty much sitting on my cousin.
      somethig on the radio  about the game and Wade's comment was heard.
     "it's going to be packed tomorrow," Wade said and Dalton made that moment all about him.
    "Speacking of being packed, my legs are killing me back here man," he said.
     "so is mine and you don't hear me compailiing now do you?" I asked him.
    Nick luaghed at that comment and then said this.
    "don't worry man, it's not Wade's fault that his little Hot Wheels car can only fit two people," he said as he shifted to give me more room.
   "more like 'shot wheels' car isn't it?" Dalton asked.
    "what did you do? go to the barber shop and asked for a He-Man haircut?" he asked.
     "Shut up Dalton," both me and Carly said to him.
    Nick hit him and he said that he had hurt him and he luaghed. soon Nick had fell back to sleep.
     I was watching the car infront of us adn I was thinking what were they doing.
    "what the hell is this?" wade asked.
     "oh man," Dalton said.
soon we went right and then we speed up to see adn try to figure what was happing. turns out the short cut had been not really a short cut seeing that there was signs pointing to go that way. soon we speed up to the other car.
      "i hope that he is not gonna to get us lost out here," Wade said.
     "yeah right," Carly said.
      "yeah," I said.
soon we looked over and I was trying not to laugh at the sceen infront of us.
     "oh yo yo nick wake up," Dalton said and woke him up.
     "oh my god," Carly said. nick saw adn tried to cover my eyes. I stopped him.
     "what is there to see? the door is blocking everything, calm down," I said to him and then he focused on Dalton with his camera.
     "look!" Dalton yelled.
     "you're caughtr on tape," Nick said.
      "hello!" Carly yelled
      "oh my god, what are they doing?" Paige asked.
     "is she flossing herself with that thing?" Dalton asked.
     "what are you doing?" Carly asked.
  soon she had reached for her phone and called Carly.
    "look at his face haha," Dalton .
     "she's calling me," Calry said as she showed us her phone.
        "dude, he's blushing," I said to them.
      "you are so busted," Carly said as she answered the phone.
      i had no idea what she was saying but she said what she said on the phone.
     "she bropped her lip balm," she said to us.
I laughed knowing that my friend used that all the time.
    "alright. we will pull over and camp for the night," Clary said to her and then we fallowed them to a clearing and then stopped. I got out and walked around.
    soon everyone minus Nick, was unpacking and seting up camp. everyone was having a good time, I was by the fire and I saw my twin cousins having a argument. you see, Nick blamed Carly for being caught. I knew that she had didn't do anything to him for that..
     "woah what is that smell?" Carly asked.
    "Dalton did you shit your pants again?' Nick asked.
    "No. maybe. I don't know. I am waering my work clothes." Dalton said and I moved away from the man. soon Dalton was being being fored into clothes that had made him look like a gay elton John.
      that was when a random truck came up and made everyone scared. me mostly becouse what if we were on someone elses propity?
    "are one private propity?" I asked.
    "no., we didn't pass a gate," Wade said to me and then Nick being nick had threw a bottle at the truck and was being intimatdating. soon they person had left and we all went to bed.
    I was out like a light till morning. us girl had gone to the bathroom and was talking.
     "so you and wade talk?" Paige asked.
     " we are in differnt places right now," she said.
     "I can  belive that," I said to them.
soon the smell came back and then Carlu had said that we should go and see what it was. soon we did and sure enough we found it but Carly fell and down I went with her. I was further from her. all three of us were screaming and yelling. Wade was so focused on Carly that I was shorta snappy.
      "oh focus on her when I an knee deep in a pile of dead animals," I snaped. Nick was the one to get to me and wade tried to see if I was okay. I moved pasted him and then had some help.
     "here lele,"  paige said to me as she gave me her jacket.
    "thanks." I said to her.
soon a truck came up to the pile and then  a man came out and threw thing out.
    "hey do you see that?" Carly asked adn then man walked up to the hand and pulled it out. it was fake,
    "hey do you need a hand?" he asked and then luaghed.
   "its fake, I found it," he said.
   "you wouldn't happen to know where a gas stion is?" Wade asked.
    "I have gas in the truck if ," he was cut off by wade.
    "we need a fan belt," Wade said.
    "what?" Carly asked,
    "it's busted," he said adn she was not to happy about that.
     "great, perfect," she muttered.
    "we can go and get one from Bough beau, and came back later," Blake said.
    "I am not leaving my car," he said.
      "well, Bo might have one," he said to Wade.
       "im going to," Carly said.
      "me to," I said.
  Nick looked at me like I wasn't leaving. I looked at him and I said that I didn't wnat blood al over me and he nodded in understanding.
     soon we walked with the man to his truck and I hopped in the back and the man had oppened the back window.
       "thanks sir," I said to him and he gave me a smile.
     soon Carly noticed that he had a knife and he got excited that she noticed and asked if she liked knives.
     "not really," she said.
      "I do," I said to him as he pulled the knife up.
     "no way that's a Bowie," I said to him.
     "yeah and it can cut though anytihing." he said and then suddenly stopped.
     "woah," I said.
     "what happened? I thought that the town was up ahead?" Wade asked.
     "it is, just around that bend, I have to switch my hubs four wheel," he sai.
    "mind giving me a hand?" he asked. I was about to get out and help him.
     "that's okay, we can walk,'" Wade said.
     "now why would you do that?" he asked,
     "we said we will walk so let us out now," Carly said and I was shocked. he was kind enough to give us a lift and yet they were acting this way.
     he got out and had his knife with him and he put it  up. I sighed and got out.
    "well then get out," he said. he walked past me  I grabbed him and he looked at me.
     "im sorry about them. I know that you were trying to help us," I said to him adn then left.
      while walking Carly asked if he was still looking at us and he was.
    "Yeah keep walking," Wade said to us.
   "like I am going to stop," she said.
the moment that we had enterd that town, that was the moment that we were never going to leave that place.

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