Chapter 9

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*Abhimanyu's POV*

(A few days later)

I reached home at around 6pm after a very tiring day. And I just need my wife now.

After opening the door, I find the entire house dark. Oh, she's not home yet. So, I quickly freshen up and go to sleep because I'm hell tired.

A few minutes later I wake up to the sound of something falling. I see that it's a bottle that just slipped out of Saanvi's hand.

"I'm so sorry for distributing you. You can sleep I'll go to the living room." She tells me giving me a sheepish smile.

"No, it's ok. What time is it? When did you come back?" I ask her.

"It's 8pm and I came back 30mins ago. Do you want something? I'm making some tea, shall I bring you some?" She asks, taking some files in her hand.

"Where are you going with those files?" I ask without answering her question.

"To the living room to work." She tells me.

" No you work here, I'll bring tea for both of us." I tell her removing the comforter and getting up.

"You know how to make tea?" She asks raisins her eyebrows.

"No, but we have tea bags." I tell her shrugging my shoulders.

"Please, I don't like tea bags. You sit here I'll bring proper tea for us." She keeps her files and laptop on the bed and leaves for the kitchen.

She has to work but I really wanted to spend some time with her. I sigh.

Soon she comes back with our teas and that was amazing. She is right. Tea bags can't compete this.

After finishing the tea, she starts working and I just sit beside her scrolling through my phone.

I still feel tired and also have a slight headache.

"Do you have some medicine for headache?" I ask her.

"Is it unbearable?" She asks looking up at me.

"No, but still it's irritating." I groan.

"Then don't take medicines, I'll give you a nice head massage." She says while removing her files and laptop from the bed and tapping the pillow beside her, indicating me to keep my head there.

But instead of keeping my head on the pillow I place my head on her lap sideways.

She becomes stiff with my action but relaxes after a few seconds and starts giving me a nice massage.

I moan from the pleasure that she is giving me. But then I see that she is scrolling her phone with her left hand. I want to talk to her.

So I turn to my right hugging her stomach and she gasps, taking in a sharp breath.

"My wife." i say and give light kiss on her stomach.

"Get up, I'm hungry. It's 9:30pm already." She says trying to push me.

I groan and get up to have dinner.

"It's weekend now. Let's see how you'll run from me." I stand up and give her an angry look.

"Ahha, about that. We need to attend a wedding the day after tomorrow,i.e this Sunday. It's ok na?" She asks.

"Yes but whose wedding?" I ask her.

"My friend from school." She answers as we walk to our dining table and soon we finish our dinner.

After freshening up we both come to bed but she takes her files again. Ughh. I hate her files but I can't disturb her work. So, scoot closer to her and soon fall into a deep slumber.

The next day we wake up a little late as it's Saturday.

After breakfast she was cleaning our room and I was working on my laptop when the doorbell rang. As I opened the door I came face to face with my stupid best friend who was giving me a mischievous smile. I roll my eyes at him and move aside to let him enter inside.

"Don't roll your eyes. That's not how you welcome your best friend." He frowned while walking in.

"Don't act so innocent. I know you are here to disturb me from spending some time with her." I tell him, exactly knowing why he is here.

"Oh, you know me so well." He says and sits on the couch as if he owns it.

"BHAABIIII" he shouts.

"Are you mad?" I punch him on his arms.

At the same time Saanvi comes to the living room and looks at us confusingly.

"He bhabi, I'm your favourite dewar amd your husband's first love." He says standing up and hugs Saanvi suddenly, shocking her.

"Shut your nonsense and stay away from her." I say as I quickly stand up and push him away.

"He's Reyansh, unfortunately my best friend." I say turning towards Saanvi.

"Hii Reyansh, why did I not see you at the wedding?" She asks coming forward and giving him her sweet smile.

"Hayee bhabi your smile." Reyansh says and puts his right hand over his heart , giving Saanvi a dreamy look. Saanvi laughs out loud at this.

"He was there but had to leave early for a family emergency." I answer Saanvi's question and pinch Reyansh making him sit straight.

"Ohh, anyways just give 10mins I'll bring some snacks." She says and hurries to the kitchen but Reyansh stops her in the middle.

"Ok bhabhi and I'll also have lunch with you guys." He says as he makes himself more comfortable on the couch.

"Ofcourse you're having lunch with us, you didn't really have any other option." She says and disappears into the kitchen. And I just roll my eyes.

"You'll pay for this." I tell him.

"Don't disturb my precious time with my bhabi." He smirks at me.

Saanvi comes back with our coffee and some snacks and starts talking with Reyansh.

"Did you know how many girlfriends he had?" Reyansh suddenly says, deciding to ruin my peace and I mentally get ready to kill him.

"No" Saanvi looks at me with a blank face. Shit.

" He used to have a new gf after every 3months. He was such a playboy. He at least had 20 girlfriends and he was quite serious with 1 of them." He says while munching on the food.

Saanvi gives him a small smile and stands up, avoiding my eyes.

" I have to prepare lunch, you guys talk." She takes the emty cups and trays then walks into the kitchen with.

I glare at Reyansh but he just shrugs making me groan.

Please don't get angry Saanvi.

Love from writer.
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