'Sup Kelp-for-brains

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Piper McLean's POV

I stared at my Goode High uniform, disgusted.

It consisted of a white, button-up, short sleeved blouse with a Peter pan collar; a gray, four button vest; a black pleated skirt (BLECH!); a pair of knee-high, white socks; and black loafers.

I could just die right now.

The uniform seemed so stupidly prep-school, in my opinion.

Nonetheless, with a sigh, I packed up my things so I could head to New York. At least Percy would be there to help me along the way...

Once I was done packing up (as a demigod, you learn how to travel lightly), I scurried down stairs to meet with my father.

He stared at my one bag with an eyebrow raised. As an actor, I supposed he was used to having at least three bags.

Then he began to lecture me on the rules of Goode High. I can honestly tell you that I zoned out through most of it. That is, until...

"...Goode High is very strict about what their female population puts in their hair," my father had a finger in the air as he droned on and on. "So you won't be allowed to put eagle feathers or flowers or any girly crap in your hair..."

"What!" I exclaimed. I didn't care about girly crap, but eagle feathers were my trademark! My father gave me a look.

"They will, however, allow you to have your braids," he continued. "Though they are none too pleased about your choppy mess, what's done is done..."

"Hera, this school is strict," I muttered. Usually I would've said Hades, but Percy preferred Hades over Hera so he used her name over the lord of the Underworld's. I guess I've been hanging out with him way too much.

"Oh! And they have recommended many tutors for you," he smiled.

"Daaaaaad," I whined. "Annabeth could just tutor me."

"Umm... No." My dad refused. "If Annabeth tutors you, though she is extremely intelligent, you would get caught up talking about all kinds of girly shit."

That's when I realized how little my dad knew about me. If his acting career hadn't taken off, we would probably as close as a father and daughter duo could be. But it had, so my dad was under the impression I was exactly like the rest of the freaking teenaged female population. Hera, even Jane knew me better than that!

"Dad," I said. "I don't do girly."

"Whatever," Dad replied. "Just go outside and meet with Mellie and Gleeson."

He ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead; I grunted in response. Coach Hedge was more of a father to me than him, I realized. And Coach Hedge was more of a gym coach and crazy adult supervisor to me than anything else. Gah! What the fuck is wrong with the world?!

I rolled my suitcase outside and threw it into the trunk of the limo.

Coach Hedge looked at me. "What's wrong, kiddo?" He asked.

I threw my arms around him. "Thank you for being there for me, coach,"

He looked confused but hugged me back. "Anytime, kiddo,"


I rolled my suitcase out of the airport.

It was sort of chilly so I put on the gray sweater I borrowed from Annabeth (Oops, I forgot to return it to her! Whatever.) over my CHB T-shirt.

I then saw the blue Prius-slightly dented from Blackjack's hooves (Percy told me the story)-owned by the one and only Paul Blofis.

"Hey, Paul," I greeted casually. I blushed. "I mean--Mr. Blofis."

Paul smiled at me. "No worries, Piper," he said, waving it off. "You can call me Paul. All demigods do."

"Piper," Sally said. "Why don't you hop in? Percy isn't expecting you, so I'd like to come home and see his face as soon as possible." I chuckled as I climbed into the back seat.

Hey, doesn't the word 'chuckle' sound weird to you? Chuck-ul. Chuh-cuh-uhl. Chuckle. Oops, ADHD.

"We're here," singsonged Sally as we pulled into an apartment building parking lot.

"Do you need help with your bags?" Paul asked, blissfully clueless.

"You mean bag," I corrected.

Sally placed a hand on Paul's arm. "She's a demigod, Paul," she said. "She's learned how to pack lightly."

"Oh, right," Paul smiled sheepishly.

I pulled out my lime green suitcase from the trunk.

"So," I chirped. "Where to?"


Percy's apartment building was plain, drab, dull, and dreary with a capital P and three capital D's.

But the people were very nice and friendly. Although, there were a few narrow-minded Christians with very, very strong beliefs.

Once we reached the Jackson-Blofis residency (which had a sky blue door that made the hallway a little brighter, Sally asked me to stay outside for a moment.

So, that's how I ended up playing Candy Crush outside the sky blue door of apartment #32*.

"Oh, Percy!" I heard Sally sing. "There's a surprise for you outside the door."

Percy came clamoring out the door and stumbled right into me.

"Piper?" Disbelief was laced into Percy's words.

"'Sup, Kelp-for-brains," I smirked at his shocked expression. "Guess who's transferring to Goode?"

To be continued...

*I don't know what apartment they live in.

Goode is Good: Piper Goes to Goode High School [a Percy Jackson Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now