~The coach~

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Izuku usually gets up late in the morning but the coach demanded all of them to come to the dance room at dot 11 am. Izuku grumbled and slumped his hands on his phone stopping the alarm from ringing. he got up and yawned he snatched his phone from the table and looked at the time it was 11:05. oh shit. Izuku quickly put on his crop top and shorts and grabbed his pointe shoes (ballet shoes) and ran out his room. He ran down a long hallway and barged into a room which had glass windows all over so anyone on the outside could also see. 

Izuku panted and said "I-I am sorry..I-I a-am late-" he huffed and looked up. His back dancer were at the far back in groups talking, Bakugou was talking to the coach until he looked at the barging deku and was about to laugh. The coach said as he shook his head and scanned izuku "its alright, we were waiting for you anyway, put on your pointe and lets go" he clapped his hands in motive to get everyone in their positions. Izuku put on his pointe and went right behind bakugou as the other back dancer were in a triangle like formation but the base missing right behind izuku. The coach then explained every ones part and Izuku was left.

The coach said "now izuku, when this part of the song plays u have to come and spin around katsuki". Izuku did as told and spun around katsuki two times. Then the coach told izuku to do a scorpion . Izuku did it but the coach wanted more so went behind izuku and held izuku and izuku got tense, he never really liked physical contact. The coach leaned forward right izuku's ear and said "put your hand over, do not hold your leg with this hand, it doesn't look graceful. Izuku nodded hesitantly and let the coach's hand glide down his arms and straighten it. The coach went back smirking and Bakugou saw that. Bakugou thought why was this extra smirking? He looked back to see izuku tensed up but he was in a beautiful posture.

 Bakugou thought why was this extra smirking? He looked back to see izuku tensed up but he was in a beautiful posture

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                                                                               (Izuku's posture)

after 1 hour the class was over and izuku was sat in the corner all the way at the back with his stuff and he was drinking water until Fiona his back dancer came up to him. "Hey loser~" "Go away Fiona, I know what you gonna say, go the hell away." Awww~ dont be like that~". He certain blond came over and said "You listened, fuck off, he doesn't need you here". Fiona stomped away immediately. izuku said "Thanks.." "No problem, by the way I saw the coach, are you alright? If you want I can change him" "No need Kat~Kun! I am just startled, I hope you practice your singing while holding me." "Yeah yeah, remember we are all family here, we live under the same roof, any problem and u know it, I am right beside your door."

 Bakugou and Izuku were on the top floor with some other important crew members. All the important members were set by there room according to who they were. The building had total 55 floors excluding terrace. So important crew members like Izuku and Katsuki were on the 55th floor, they all had there own hallway, each hallway had a 4 rooms, only Katsuki's and Izuku's were 2 because Izuku was stubborn and wanted to be near the Dance room. so Katsuki and Izuku's Hallway has the main dancing room, Studio room and the path to the terrace at the far right corner of the hallway, you cant see it because it is blocked by the wall but if you go at the end of the hallway and turn right you can. Everyone is like a big family here. No formalities, they all act like family with each other.

Izuku said "thank you". Bakugou glared at the coach before walking out and calling a bodygaurd to gaurd Izuku cause he knew Izuku is going to be in that damn room till lunch and he didn't trust the coach alone with Izuku. He knew Izuku pretty well, His nightmares, his timings, his fears, everything.


Hello readers! This was more of like a filler chapter but remember slow progress is the key! We will get there soon. Some chapters might be long, extremely long, short, extremely short. It depends on how I am feeling. There is no fixed timing for updates but it should update every Saturday or Sunday. I don't guarantee but yeah. Hope you enjoyed! 

~This song is for you~ BKDK/Bakudeku(singer bakugou x ballet deku)Where stories live. Discover now