Of Mates and Broken Hearts

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"DRAGO!" Hiccup growled out as he dismounted his mate's back and made his way over to the man as he removed his helmet, unsheathing his sword Inferno as he did.

Drago turned his attention to the young Night Fury and smirked. "This...is the Dragon Master? The son of Stoick the Vast? What shame he must feel." He said as he stalked towards Hiccup, trying to intimidate him.

"All of this loss, and for what? To become unstoppable? To rule the world? Dragons are kind, amazing creatures that can bring people together!" Hiccup said through gritted teeth, fighting hard with his instincts and the anger he felt because of the cruel man in front of him.

"Or tear them apart." Drago said venomously as he unhooked his prosthetic arm, showing the young dragon his stump in an attempt to falter him, but Hiccup stood there unfazed as he took in the prosthetic the man held in front of him.

'Did he really think showing me a prosthetic arm would make me waver from fear? Wow. Kinda lame.' Hiccup thought.

"You see, I know what it is to live in fear. To see my village burned, my family taken. But even as a boy, left with nothing, I vowed to rise above the fear of dragons and liberate the people of this world." Drago continued, circling around Hiccup slowly.

"Then why a dragon army?" The young Night Fury asked with crossed arms as he kept his eyes on Drago as he circled him.

"Well, you need dragons to conquer other dragons." Drago reasoned as he came to a stop in front of the young dragon.

Hiccup glared at him, a growl forming in the back of his throat. "Or maybe, you need dragons to conquer people. To control those who follow you...and to get rid of those who won't."

Drago laughed and smirked at him. "Clever boy."

"The world wants peace. And we have the answer, back on Berk. Just let me show you." Hiccup explained as he lowered his sword, showing that he didn't want to fight.

"NO! Let ME show YOU." Drago growled out, then he began to bang his staff against the deck below them, yelling wildly as he summoned the new Alpha to him once more.

Hiccup felt the pull again and gritted his teeth as he resisted the urge to transform and follow his orders. He saw Kala whine and scratch at her head as the Alpha closed in on them.

"No dragon can resist the Alpha's command. So he who controls the Alpha, controls them all." Drago said with a sadistic grin as the Alpha stood behind him.

Drago then began to yell wildly once again as he commanded the Alpha to do something, and from Kala's reaction, Hiccup noticed it was to put her under his control. She screeched and thrashed in pain as she fought the control of the Alpha. Hiccup could feel the pull on himself get stronger as well as the Alpha's intense stare bore down on the both of them. He tried the best he could to reach out to her and snap her out of it, but with how painful the pull was getting he could barely move.

"Witness true strength. The strength of will over others. In the face of it, you are nothing!" Drago shouted, seeming as though he thought Hiccup was frozen from fear.

As Drago was talking, the Alpha was able to gain control of Kala. Hiccup saw her pupils shrink down to slits that were frighteningly narrow in size. She slowly turned fully towards her mate, growling as she slowly approached him. Hiccup gritted his teeth as his eyes closed tightly. He knew full well that he wouldn't be able to say a word with how difficult it was to fight against the Alpha's pull.

"Hiccup!" He heard, and he was able to catch a glimpse of his dad as he ran at full speed toward him and Kala. Hiccup gave him what he assumed was a look that told him to back off, but it didn't seem to register with him in the slightest as Kala prepared a plasma blast pointed his way. "SON!"
Before Stoick could even get close to the two Night Furies, Kala released the plasma blast, hitting Hiccup dead on. Stoick watched in fear as his son hit a wall of ice hard, being knocked out from not only the plasma blast, but the impact against the ice. Just as Stoick was about to rush to his son's side, a large piece of ice broke off the wall and fell on top of Hiccup in pieces. If the blast hadn't killed him, the ice surely did.

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