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Hello lovelies this is gonna be a short chapter probably sorry about that anyway enjoy! :)

cw: mentions of suicided ((Remember what Queen said >:]))


((Wilbur POV))

Me and Tommy both went bursting through Y/n's door after the loud sound to see y/n had thrown their chair halfway across his room and now is talking to his chat about how he fucked up just before I could say anything James came through the door "Y/N??" James yelled and looked around to see what happened "I raged and threw my chair what do you guys think happened??" Y/n questioned and we all stayed silent knowing he was streaming 

"Oh for fucks sake I'm not gonna be killing myself any time soon guys calm your titties" he said making all of us go to hug him "Y/n I swear to god if you do I'm going to revive you just to kill you again" I said into his hair "Alright stop being sappy shits I have to stream bitches" Y/n said again "Fineeeeeeee" Tommy said and walked out along with me and James 

"Oh Tommy we need to show James since y/n is his bestfriend I spoke as we closed the door "Oh shit your right come on James you old man!" Tommy shouted running to my room 

It took a little but (**chough cough 2 hours** chough cough**) to fully explain the plan to James but soon enough it clicked and all of us where now planning on how to decorate Tommy studio "Well we could put some F/Y/S ((Fav Youtuber/streamer)) merch and F/A ((Fav animal)) plushies in there along with a F/P/S ((Fav place/setting)) background with F/F ((With fav flowers" everywhere" I suggested "That sounds good but I nee-" James was cut off by Y/n walking in "Hey guys what do you want for dinner" "PIZZA!" Tommy shouted "Sure" I said "okay pizza it is I'll order door dash" Y/n said walking out of my bedroom

"Okay we have a plan boys I'll start ordering the F/Y/S merch and F/A plushies you handle the background mood and flowers" James said walking out of the room


Once again sorry for the short chapter the next chapter is Y/n's POV of this and the last chapter ly all don't forget to eat and drink <33

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