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*Zayn’s P.O.V.*

“How do our fans always find the hotels we stay in?” I groan while looking out the car window at the crowd of fans that security would have to clear a path through.

“They’re our fans Zayn; they just want to see us.” Liam explains slowly.

“Don’t they have any idea what personal space is?” I question, shifting my gaze to my brown haired band mate.

“Look, mate, I know that Perrie broke up with you and all, but don’t take it out on the fans.” Louis says carefully.

“I’m just sick and tired of being looked and grabbed at like some kind of zoo animal.” I scowl out the window at the hands of the fans waiting to greedily grab at every inch of me.



“Three.” At Harry’s count I shove open my door and move behind one of our many burly security guards. Slowly, the five of us and our extreme amounts of security pushed through all of the screaming fans. One girl let out a sudden ear shattering scream and I cringe back in shock, looking around for the source. Noticing my reaction, several other girls begin screaming just as the first had, which only causes me to cover my ears with my hands.

I sigh with relief as all five of us step safely through the doors of the hotel. “I think one day I will actually loose hearing in my ear.” Louis complains, rubbing his right ear.

“Coming from the one who told me not to take it out on the fans.” I mumble under my breath.

“I’m joking Zayn. You really need to lighten up.” He snaps sassily. I turn away from him remembering Perrie’s final words to me.

“You need to lighten up Zayn! All this fame and attention is making you cross all the time; you aren’t the same guy anymore. I’ve tried to ignore it, but it’s all I can think about when I’m around you, which isn’t that often anymore.”

I’d begged her to stay, told her I’d change, that I’d do anything. She wouldn’t listen to anything I said.

“I don’t believe you Zayn. It’s over.”

“Ok, we have three rooms for the next three nights, divide them how you will.” Paul says, walking over with six room keys.

Louis and Harry call each other’s names instantly, “I’ll sleep alone.” I say grabbing a key from Paul’s hand.

“Ugh,” Liam moans, “I’m stuck with you.”

“Hey!” Niall yells, playfully punching Liam in the arm. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity and started for the lift.

“Zayn,” Paul calls, stopping my feet in their tracks.

“Can I just for once, please go up to my room without having an entire army behind me?” I ask angrily.

“Fine, but if you get abducted by random fans, it’s not my fault.” I ignore the warning and push the up button on the lift and glace down at the room number on my card. ‘1269’ I mentally laugh at the number and continue waiting. When the doors open, there is nobody inside and I breathe a sigh of relief before stepping in. Unfortunately, there are 11 floors between the lobby and where my room is. I push the 12 button and wait, watching the digital screen count the floors as I move up.

The number stops at 8 and I frown as the door opens, “Oh. My. God.” I clear my face of annoyance and glance at who joined me. Great. I think to myself. A couple of teenage girls.

“You’re Zayn Malik.” The other girl states obviously.

“Really? I thought I was Harry Styles.” I say in a bored tone, earning a strange look from the two girls.

“Did you and Perrie really break up?” One of them asks, I continue staring forward trying to ignore the question, but I could feel their expecting gazes burning into my skin.

“Technically she broke up with me because I’m ‘not the same guy anymore’” I express feeling a mixture of anger and sadness bubbling up inside.

“You don’t seem different.” One of them murmurs.

“Well you see, if I act like I actually have emotions on stage or in public, management would get pissed off at me. So I’m forced to act like a nice happy little pop star all the time.” I sneer before stepping off the lift, shrugging off the encounter, and briskly walking down the hall trying to find my room. Upon finding it I slip the key in, unlock the door and shut it rather loudly behind me. I step over to the bed and fall backwards onto it, staring blankly at what I can only assume is the ceiling as my eyes adjust to the darkness.

My thoughts trail off and I lose track of time, but the sounds of a group of immature teenagers coming down the hallway jerk me out of my half asleep state.

“Oh Zayn,” Lou sings from down the hall, I roll my eyes and wait for one of them to grab the extra room key and barge in.

“Come out come out wherever you are,” Liam says joyfully, followed by the sound of the room key being crammed into the lock. I shut my eyes and hope that I’ll pass as sleeping.

“We know you’re awake!” Niall calls from across the room, light burns through my eyelids right before several people begin poking my face.

“I wasn’t until you lot came tromping down the hall the way you did,” I groan unappreciatively.

“Cheer up,” Louis coos, “let’s play some FIFA!” His suggestion is agreed with by everyone while I continue to lie on the bed with my eyes closed.

“But while we set up, we have to discuss those two teenagers in the lift.” Liam says.

“So I got a little pissed off, they asked me about Perrie what the hell was I supposed to do?” I explain, the volume of my voice quickly rising.

“I understand, but you can’t be that way around fans Zayn. They could put it on twitter or something and next thing you know, everyone thinks you’re the biggest ass ever.”

“I am sick of being told what I can and can’t do! Let people think whatever they want, because obviously being told how to act has changed me. Just ask Perrie!” I stand up suddenly and walk towards the door.

“Where the hell are you going?” Louis demands.

“For a smoke.” I state before slamming the door.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Paul asks while trying to figure out whose luggage went to what room.

“Outside, for a smoke.” I tell him before continuing my walk down the hallway.

“Not with all those fans you’re not.” He replies sternly.

“Fine, I’ll go to the roof.”

*???’s P.O.V.*

“Just do it already,” I whisper to myself. “It’s not that hard.”

But what about all those people? I ask myself.

“Ignore the people, they don’t care.”

At least wait until they leave, you wouldn’t be too happy if a random person fell on top of you from several stories up. That and you might kill one of them too.

“That so be it, as long as I’m gone, I don’t care, I won’t be alive to feel guilty,” I prepare to relax my muscles.

“What are you doing?” a voice shouts from behind me, followed by hurried footsteps.

“It’s now or never.” I whisper.


Ok, I got this idea in social studies class and I decided to write the whole thing for my friend, and it's an inspiring thing so I probably won't update very often. (Sorry Mel) but I'm planning on writing a fanfic for each boy. I think I'll try to get updates on at least one story every saturday. 

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