My mother's favorite story to hear when she was little was Alice In Wonderland, and showing her love for the story, she named me Alice. The thing is, I look nothing like her. I have strawberry-blonde hair and brown eyes. I guess you could say that my point of view on the world is pure; I believe everything in the world is innocent and no one or no thing is bad. I just grew up that way. Pure.[Luke]
I follow people's footsteps; to be specific, my dad's. My father abused my mother, but no, I am not an abuser. I am something along the same line. Maybe something worse.
A couple years back, year seven, my dad took me hunting and I shot my first deer. I loved that feeling. That feeling of guilt. I was guilty of killing a damn deer and I loved it. I begged my dad to take me to the hunting spots everyday after school, but he said he would take me every weekend. We did just that. The most I killed in one day was 7 and it wasn't enough; it was never enough. Last year was the year I decided for myself to go for bigger game. The game that walks on two feet and are able to beg for their lives.
this isn't wonderland // luke
Fanficnot everything is as it seems, so sometimes you need a wake up-call; and like all wake-up calls, they're unexpected. WARING: triggers, beware!