S1 Episode 6

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It was a rainy morning In Duckburg. At 6:30 AM, everyone is still asleep. Webby was In the spare bedroom with Dewey because, he got into a accident and luckily nothing bad happened to him. Huey and Louie are In there room. Violet and Lena didn't stayed last night. Della Is In the dining room with Scrooge. Donald wasn't at his boathouse, he went somewhere and he obviously stayed the night at that person house. Anyway Webby was the first to wake up and she was going to change her clothes until Dewey woke up.
Webby: Dewey! Your finally awake.
Dewey: Oh man... what happened? Why am I In the spare room? Why I am only wearing my shorts?
Webby: You were attacked by Mark robot and it fractured your left foot.
Dewey: What! Are you serious!?
Webby: Yes. Anyway, we took you to the spare room and I stay In this room to... keep In eye on you?
Dewey: Okay. But, that doesn't explain why I am only wearing my shorts?
Webby: You were getting hot so, I took off your shirt and that was it.
Dewey: Okay. Anyway... I just wanted to say...
Then Webby walked to Dewey and they hugged. Then they looked at each other and then they kissed for a few seconds until someone opened the door.
Scrooge: Ah I knew I heard voices In here.
Dewey: Hey Uncle Scrooge.
Scrooge: Hi Lad. How does your foot feel?
Dewey: It still hurt but, I will be find.
Scrooge: That good to hear.
Then Della give Dewey a hug.
Della: Thank goodness that you are good.
Dewey: I'm find mom. I just got lucky that all.
Scrooge: Lucky doesn't have to do anything with that lad. You couldn't been killed.
Dewey: I know. I sorry for it.
Della: It not your fault sweetie.
Scrooge: You was protesting your friend and I glad that you are okay now.
Then Drake show up.
Drake: Hey Mr McDuck. Miss Duck.
Scrooge: Drake! What are you doing here?
Drake: I came to see Dewey and tell him thank you for saving my daughter life.
Dewey: No problem.
Then Drake saw Dewey foot.
Drake: I can't believe that Mark robot did this to you. I will find his robot and destroy it.
Huey: Ha ya that not going to happen any time soon.
Scrooge: What do you mean by that lad?
Huey: Mark project came out and It was those robot who attacked you guys.
Everyone: What!!!
Drake: How did you know?
Huey: I read this article this morning and I was surprised to see the robot.
Della: What are we going to do, Uncle Scrooge?
Scrooge: We are not doing anything, not this moment.
Drake: We have to find proof If his robot are the same robot that attacked us.
Scrooge: We will Drake. We just have to be patient with It.
Drake: Okay.
Then Launchpad show up.
Launchpad: Drake! We got some problems.
Drake: Ya I just hear the news.
Launchpad: What I wasn't talking about that.
Drake: Then what was you was talking about?
Launchpad: Oh... I was going to say that you are out of smoke bomb.
Scrooge: Launchpad!
Della: Look we need let Dewey rest so, how about we go downstairs and talk.
Scrooge: Okay.
Then everyone left.
Dewey: Finally everyone left.
Webby: I am actually leaving too.
Dewey: Wait, why are you leaving?
Webby: I post to hangout with the girls at the park today.
Dewey: I thought that was tomorrow?
Webby: They have to change it because, they are going to be busy tomorrow. Look when I get back, we can watch movies together If that is okay with you.
Dewey: I would love to watch movies with you.
Then Webby give Dewey a kiss on his cheek and she left the spare room.
Dewey thought: I can't believe that Webby kiss me again. I know, that I have a crush on her but, I don't know If I am ready to tell her how I feel. Maybe I can write a song about my feelings for her then.
Meanwhile Launchpad was working on the limbo at his place and he got a called from Louie.
Launchpad: Umm... hello.
Louie: Hey Launchpad.
Launchpad: Oh hey Louie. How are you doing?
Louie: Good. Just at the money bin with Uncle Scrooge.
Launchpad: Ah okay. So Is there a reason that you are calling me?
Louie: Oh... well, I have this thing tonight and I want to know If you can take me and... Lena to the movies theater tonight?
Launchpad: Sure. I would do it.
Louie: Great. I will let you know when to pick us up.
Launchpad: Okay.
Then the engine explodes and black smoke got on Launchpad face.
Louie: Umm... what was that?
Launchpad: Oh it was nothing. Anyway, I will see you later Louie, bye.
Louie: Bye.
Then Launchpad end the called and he got upset.
Launchpad: I can't believe that the engine exploded. I need to asked Della to help me fixing the limbo.
Meanwhile back at the mansion Huey was In his room reading his book until Violet called him.
Huey: Hey Violet. What's going on?
Violet: Hey Huey. Nothing just reading my book.
Huey can tell there something wrong with Violet.
Huey: Violet Is there something wrong?
Violet: I don't know. It just that... Lena is acting weird.
Huey: What do you mean by that?
Violet: She been smiling more then usual. She been acting strange when I talk to her, It like that she is hiding something from me. Then I heard her talking to someone on her phone and It sounded like a boy voice.
Huey: Do you think that she is seeing someone?
Violet: Maybe, I mean she is 13 years old and she does have this enormous about boy or something like that.
Huey: Well, maybe we can spy on her.
Violet: Are you serious? If we spy on her. She will get mad and won't forgive us.
Huey: Ya that does sound like her.
Meanwhile Lena was already at the mansion and she knocked on the door.
Lena knocking: Knock knock knock.
Then Webby open the door.
Webby: Lena!
Webby hug Lena.
Lena: Hey pink.
Webby: Wait what are you doing here, I didn't know you was coming by?
Lena: Oh... well, I was actually here to see Louie.
Webby: Oh well, he should be coming back soon.
Lena: Good.
Then Webby saw Lena have a bag In her hand.
Webby: Oh... what Is that In your hand?
Lena: Oh it just a bag of clothes for tonight.
Webby: So, you are staying the night?
Lena: Well... technically no but, I will show you.
Then she grad out a black jacket and a black skirt.
Webby: Oh this is cute.
Lena: Ya. I am going to the theater with Louie tonight.
Webby: Oh... well have a good time then.
Lena: Oh I will.
Then They hear the front door open and It was Louie.
Webby: Look like Louie is back from the money bin.
Then Lena walked out of Webby room and she went downstairs to see Louie.
Lena: Hey Louie.
Louie: Lena! What are you doing here?
Lena: I actually came early to see you.
Louie: Really, well that actually good thing because, I can tell Launchpad that he doesn't have to pick you up at your house.
Lena: Good. Anyway, I will change Into the clothes I am wearing tonight.
Louie: Okay. I will do the same thing.
Then they hugs and they went Into different rooms to change there clothes.
Meanwhile Dewey got up and he put the camera on the deck that way It can record him singing. He grab his guitar and now he sitting on his bed. Then he is now recording himself.
Dewey: What sup guys, I am Dewey Duck also known ask DJ Daft Duck, Handsome Duck, and Turbo Duck. Anyway I am going to sing a song called Make Me Happy and I hope you guys like it.
(Okay so this song Make Me Happy was sing by Drake Bell and this version is slow.)
Dewey began playing the guitar and started singing.
Dewey: Well, hello, let's go
Everybody must know
Love's in my heart like a bomb
It's blowing a song
Inside I'm singing
Sunshine that your bringing now
And it makes me happy
Listen to the radio
Playing back in stereo
Sounds like my favorite song
I'm humming along
My head is ringing
And I just can't stop singing now
'Cause it makes me happy
You're everything I need
Handed from above
I can't get enough of your love
Cause it makes me happy
Living in a day-dream
I'll show you what it all means
Spending some time in the sun
Let's get up and run
It's just beginning
And I just can't stop singing now
Cause it makes me happy
Like a fantasy
That you never find
Right in front of me
All the time
And it makes me happy
I want it all but not too much
I wanna feel the way you touch me
I'm the kind of guy who's always there to come and find you
Save the raining days for another time
I'm just here to say read between the lines
I'm so glad that your mine
Cause you make me happy
You make me wanna sing.
Dewey: Okay. Thank guys for listening me sing. I will posted more song for you guys and I will see you later. Bye guys.
Then Dewey end the recording and he edited the video and then he posted it on his YouTube channel. So far he posted 9 videos and this would make it 10 now.
Then he put his guitar under his bed and then someone knocked on the door.
(Knock, knock, knock.)
Dewey: Come In.
It was Webby who was knocking the door.
Dewey: Hey Webby.
Webby: Hey Dewey.
Dewey: What are you doing?
Webby: Well, I am letting you know that Louie and Lena left to go to the theater.
Dewey: Oh okay.
Webby: I will meet you downstairs.
Dewey: Okay. But, It might take me a few minutes.
Webby: Oh right I forgot that you fractured your leg. I will help you then.
Dewey: Really? You going to help me walk downstairs?
Webby: Sure. That is what friends for, right?
Dewey: Yes... Friend.
Dewey know that he have a crush on Webby and he knows he wants to be more than just friends.
Dewey: Webby...
Webby: Yes Dewey.
Dewey just look at Webby beautiful eye and lean in and he kisses Webby on the lips and she kisses back.
Webby: Well... that was...
Dewey: Something.
Webby: Yes. So do you want me to help you go downstairs.
Dewey: Yes.
So Webby help Dewey go downstairs and now they are watching a movie.
(1 hours and 30 minutes later.)
After the movie was done Webby take Dewey to the spare room and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
Webby: Good night Dewey.
Dewey didn't say anything until Webby left.
Dewey: Good night my angel.
The end.
So what did you think of this episode?
Leave a comment If you like it.
Anyway, I will see you all later then.
Bye guys.

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