(Have you got no shame? You fucking insane, turning up at my door.)

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(Behold guys, the one and only Timothee Chalmet as Vivian Collins

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(Behold guys, the one and only Timothee Chalmet as Vivian Collins...He do be giving gangster vibes)


I heard a knock on my door at around 4:30 or 5 a.m., which was strange since everyone was too scared of me to come and knock on my door at such an hour when they assumed I would woke up furious. But that wasn't true. Yes, whenever I was angry even the Gods couldn't save you from my rage, but it took more than irritation to get me that angry. I learned patience, and I learnt it the hard way in life.

I stretched my arms and neck and put on a T-shirt since I was used to sleeping in only shorts. Slowly, I unlocked the entrance to my door. Some Ashrars stood there with a lot of luggage. 'Was it sent for me?' I wondered.

"What is this?" I asked the leading Ashrar in English. I didn't care about them. I didn't care about there culture. I didn't care enough to sit with all those brainwashed people in a stupid lecture hall learning their Greek language.

"Divinus Vanessa Sanders will be moving in here from today. These are her belongings." The leader answers me in English.

"What the- This is my space. How dare you even think of moving someone here without my permission?" I demand.

"It was the High Ashrar's order," he said and pushed the bags inside while I push past them to the fucking High Ashrar's tower. 

I barged into High Ashrar's room only to find it empty. Neither was he in his court room. I searched everywhere, I turned the entire tower upside down and despite the Ashrars trailing behind me to stop me, I didn't give a fuck as I went into the castle and checked every nook and corner there too. The library, the wine cellar, the hospital...he was no where to be found. Ultimately, faced with no other alternative I decided to give up and retire to my room and decided to face him later when I would see him again.

I paced my room up and down thinking of how I would deal with it now. Frustration and irritation boiled up inside me and I filled a glass of water since drinking cool water always calmed me down. But this time, even it didn't work.

You wonder what's so much anger on having a roommate. 

Well, when you have got a whole bloody secret passage under the room which could be your only hope of escaping this place, and which could be discovered by this new 'roommate' and get you thrown into the dungeons, or worse, killed, when around a thousand lives are supposed to revolve directly or indirectly around yours, and you have no idea what's happening with them, then maybe you'd relate. (Phew, that was long.)

I threw the glass towards the door, ignoring the fact that it was opening.


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