Wima's Backstory

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Wima was only about 4 years old when some random people dropped her out into town near Pigsy's Noodles while it was raining really hard while it was night out and the poor girl was shaking and panicking not knowing why those people took her away...she didn't like being out in the dark and didn't know how to get back home...but, she knew her parents probably didn't want her back...they never really liked her in the first place due to how...different she is and how she looks. While she was outside Pigsy was made some noodles for Mk (child version of him) and he heard someone sneezing and crying so, he got up and headed to the door and once he opened it, his eyes grew wide seeing the small girl all soaked and wet from the cold rain with some small cuts and bruises on her arms and legs and some on her face. "Oh jeez, hey kid are you okay...? Are you lost?" Pigsy said softly as he quickly put his coat on and grabs another extra coat that he had and walked outside and into the rain to get Wima but, she started to get scared and backed up a bit "hey, hey its okay, your safe and i'm not gonna hurt ya okay kid?" he said calmly as he gently put the coat on the poor small girl and he scooped her up in his arms as gentle as possible and then he walked back inside to dry himself and her off. "Mr.Pigsy, who is this...?" (I feel like MK did call him Papa at the time but, I feel like he used Mr.Pigsy at times) Mk asked as he tilted his head to the side as he looked at Pigsy as he gently tried to dry off Wima "I don't know kiddo..." Pigsy said softly as he looked over at the girl with a soft look in his eyes...for being a grumpy pants...he know's how to handle kids at times. 

After Pigsy dried her off with a towel and gave Wima some new fresh clothes, not girl like clothes but, ones that would fit her and he was tending to her and while he was making some hot noodles for her, Mk was looking at her and he gently pats her arm gently "hhhhi, my names MK and you are...?" Mk asked as he looked at her which she rubbed her arms a little and she looked at him a little "W-Wima..." Wima said quietly as she rubbed her arms a little feeling a bit uncomfortable in this situation. Then, Pigsy walks over with a bowl of hot noodles and he notices how she was acting and he gently patted Mk's head "okay bud give her some space, she kind of needs it at the moment" Pigsy said gently which Mk didn't know why but, he agreed and he walked to get some coloring crayons and some paper and he sits down on the floor and he starts to draw, Pigsy then looks over to Wima and he gently puts down the bowl in front of her and he sits right next to her "So, your name's Wima?" Pigsy asked softly so he didn't scare her and she slowly nodded at him and took the chopsticks in her hands and took a couple of bits and which her eyes sparkled and started to eat a bit more "t-this is really good...!" Wima said with a bit of happiness which made Pigsy smile a little that she likes his food. 

After she was finished eating she looked over at Pigsy and she had a soft smile on her face "t-thank you mister um..." Wima trailed off as she rubbed her arm a little and He laughed a little and he smiles at her "just call me Pigsy kiddo" Pigsy said calmly as he gently ruffled her fluffy white hair as she giggled a little and looked at him with an adorable smile and Mk walks over holding a piece of paper. "so, I drew yous something Wima I hope you like it" Mk said as he gently handed Wima the paper and she holds it in her hands and looks at it for a moment, it was a drawing of her, Mk and Pigsy and then she tilts her head a little and she looks over at him "Thank you for the drawing Mk it's really nice...but, why does it have family above the picture...? I'm...i'm not really in this family..." Wima lowered her head as she rubbed her arms a little but then, Pigsy gently rubbed her head and he smiled softy "well, if you like to be apart of this family you can kiddo...i'm not going to force you to but, you seem like your alone and have no where else to go. Besides, you seem like a nice kid and you deserve a place where you can be...well you." Pigsy said with a smile and then he sighed and rubbed his neck a little, which Wima looked at him for a moment before tears started to roll down her cheeks and she jumps into his arms and she started crying as she gripped onto his shirt.

Pigsy looked at the little girl surprised from her reaction and he knew that she had probably been mistreated at where she used to live "Poor kid..." Pigsy thought as he gently rubbed her back as he tried comforting her to the best of his abilities and then Mk soon joined into the hug and tried to help calm her down as well "h-hey its okay, your safe here with us. Well take good care of you like my papa said" Mk said happily as he smiled really brightly at Wima, while she looks at Mk and then looking at Pigsy she smiled a tiny bit "i...i...thank you..." Wima said as she sniffled a tiny bit as she snuggled up in Pigsy's arms as she slowly felt tired and Mk, well he was already out cold and snoozing already which made him almost snort a little and then he gently picks them up and carries them to the little couch like area he had in his shop and he gently puts the two kids down and Pigsy covered them up gently with one of Mk's blankets that he brought alone with him so he walked out of the room quietly and then he turned off the lights and he walked out of the room while he lets the two of them alone so they can sleep on the couch soundly and peacefully.

After some time has passed since when Pigsy brought Wima into his home well food shop of course, It was just like how he did with Mk when Pigsy found him at his doorstep of his food shop, well Pigsy Noodles. Wima and Mk grew really close to one another like a brotherly and sisterly bond, they were always together with Mei, Mk's friend of course and they would always get along or cause trouble, well Wima didn't try to most of the time. She would mostly try to keep Mk and Mei out of trouble as much as she could but, at times it does fail and they still get into trouble at most of the times when their out and about. Wima is the type of gal that would always listen to people when they tell her to do something or get something done, especially when it comes to Pigsy with his customers and especially of making sure that the deliveries are delivered at the right place and at the right time and Wima is finally now happy and living her best lives with Pigsy and MK at Pigsy Noodles with her new family and friends.

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