You don't look cool; you look like a Backstreet Boy

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Excuse the mistakes

Picture on the side is Reed -->


In hindsight, having a horror movie marathon on a Tuesday night was probably a bad decision on my part.

As I sat at the stiff, uncomfortable desk, staring at the blank German quiz in front of me, I cursed my addiction to Wes Craven. The small bit of studying I had done the day before, after I’d gotten home from school, had vanished. So, I was now left to scramble for the meanings of nonsensical German idioms.

I sighed and looked up from the page, and I glanced over at my best friend, Maya, who sat next to me. She was apparently already done with the quiz, and was now working on the math homework that’d I’d bullshitted my way through.

It wasn’t that I was stupid; Maya was just a genius. We were both in accelerated classes, but school came naturally to Maya; whereas, I had to work. When we first met, I thought she was just some obnoxious, know-it-all. Now that I’ve gotten to know her, I can honestly say that Maya does know it all, but she’s really nice about it.

Suddenly, Mrs. Grant, my German teacher, announced that there was seven minutes left in the class period. I set my jaw, and then I went through the multiple-choice section, giving my best guesses. For the short answer, I referenced the multiple-choice. Ms. Grant was a chill teacher, and she allowed test corrections, so I’d be able to take the test home after she graded it to make revisions.

The bell rang just as I finished writing the answer to the last question, and I let out a sigh as I flexed my cramping hand. Mrs. Grant collected my quiz, and I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

“So,” Maya said, coming up next to me as we filed out of the classroom, “How do you think you did?”

“Fantastic,” I muttered, not meeting Maya’s light hazel eyes. When I fibbed, I couldn’t look someone in the eye. It was like they were staring into my soul, and then, I had no choice but to tell the truth.

Too bad my bad habit gave me away.

“You didn’t study, did you?” Maya asked, though it wasn’t an actual question, and I could tell she was rolling her eyes.

“I did study, actually,” I replied defensively as we reached my locker. “I might’ve just not gone to bed until two or three in the morning,” I added sheepishly as I opened my locker.

When Maya didn’t scold me for being an idiot, or even reply at all, I frowned since that was her usual response. When I looked up to see what was going on, Maya wasn’t even paying attention to me. Instead, she was focusing on something somewhere down the hallway.

“Maya?” I said, waving my hand in front of her face while snapping my fingers, “Earth to Maya!”

“Why is he so hot?” Maya moaned longingly, and she slumped against the lockers. “I mean, he’s just so…hot!”

“Who?” I asked, craning my neck to see which boy Maya was talking about. The girl had a new crush every couple of days, so it was hard to keep track. I, on the other hand, had a matchmaker for a mother. I’d been on more first dates than most of the females in my school, including teachers. I’d had more than my fair share of guys, and I was confident in saying how much I hated going on dates with them.

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