Time for some Truth

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Excuse the mistakes



 I had managed to be late on the one day I couldn’t be late.

Apparently, after getting home from the party last night, I’d forgotten to turn on my alarm clock. On any normal Saturday, that would be completely fine. However, today was the day of a big dance competition, and I’d woken up forty-five minutes late.

Of course, my parents and Thomas were out for the day at his baseball tournament, which meant they hadn’t been home to wake me up. So, I had to get all of my stuff together by myself. It might not sound like a big deal, but it was when you were as disorganized as I was.

After spending fifteen minutes spent looking for the top piece for my dance costume, I found it and shoved it into my duffel bag with the rest of my dance costume and makeup. Quickly, I changed into a pair of black leggings and plain gray v-neck. I tugged on my dance jacket, and then tugged my hair up into a messy bun without even brushing it.

I checked the time on my phone and swore loudly. The dance competition was two hours away, and I was supposed to be there early in case the acts were ahead of schedule. However, because I was leaving now, I would barely get there with enough time to get ready, stretch, and run through my solo.

I hurried out my bedroom and down the stairs. I grabbed my car keys and sprinted out the door, barely taking the time to lock it. I threw my duffel bag into the passenger seat of the Grouch and dove into the drivers’ side.

I shoved my key into the ignition and frowned as it made a weird sound. However, the car was started, and I didn’t have time to dwell on why the engine sounded messed up. I backed out of my driveway and sped down the street.

I turned on my crappy GPS, which I’d already programmed for the building where the competition was. As I followed the blue line, my engine started to sound stranger, like there was a growling animal under my hood.

After driving for about half an hour, my car started to jerk forward instead of driving smoothly, and I swore. I pulled over to the side of the highway just in time for my car to splutter and die.

My eyes widened, and my jaw dropped. “No,” I whispered, and I slammed my hands into the steering the wheel. “Shit! No, this can’t actually be happening right now!” I tried turning the key in the ignition, but the engine wouldn’t turn over.

Thinking quickly, I grabbed my phone and punched in Zephyr’s phone number. She was going to the dance competition as well, and I knew that she had her mom’s car. She might be able to come save me and pick me up. However, Zephyr didn’t answer her phone, and when I tried Maya, I got the same result.

My parents were too far away to come get me and take me to my competition on time, which meant there was really only one other person I could try and call. It was no doubt going to be awkward, but I needed to be on time to this dance competition.

Reluctantly, I dialed the phone number and pressed the phone to my ear. It only took two rings for him to pick up.


Parker sounded completely surprised to hear from me, and I sighed.

“My car broke down and I need your help,” I stated, rubbing my forehead in frustration. “I have a dance competition, and I need you to come get me and drive me there and back.” There was silence on the other end of the phone, and I swallowed hard. “Parker, please.”

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