Blissful Wedding:- Kim Taehyung

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Blissful Wedding:- happiness experienced by married couples.

Taehyung pov:

After years of waiting finally i am getting married to the love of my life. 5 years together as boyfriend and girlfriend but from today onwards as husband and wife. Can't wait to see her.

An pov:

Taehyung was not able to breathe properly not even able blink. His eyes are witnessing the most beautiful view. His love in her wedding dress looking like an angel. Indeed she looked like an angel. Angel in white dress smiling from ear to ear. Her face was glowing with happiness. She was feeling so happy.

The wedding soon came to an end with memorable memories. Especially taehyung's love speech and song.

Now the newly married couples are getting ready to leave towards their new house.

Time skip

It's been one week since they got married. Oh you might be thinking
"wHaT aBoUt tHe fiRsT nIgHt". Well what about that.

The night of wedding day.

After a tiring day they thought of going back to their house to have some "ReSt".

Inside the house:

Soon the couples exited from their car and moved towards the house soon they got inside the house.

Their pov:

Yn: it was such a tiring day. I just want some sleep. Lord.

Tae: seriously sleep. Come on today's our wedding night.

Yn: so.. do i look like i care. All i want right now is some sleep.

Tae: haaaa baby.
He called you in a baby voice.
Your shoo boring. (Again in a baby voice).

Yn: aigoo look at this grown up man acting like a baby.

Tae: but love today is our first ni.....

Yn: i know that today is our wedding night but don't you care about me or my health.

Tae: aniyo i do care about you. Please don't say like that. Come let's go and sleep and we will continue what we had to do in our honeymoon. 🌚🌝

To be continued 😁

So for the next chapter vote my story "SECRET LIFE" Kim Taehyung ff. Only if you want the next part. If you want the next part and also more BTS SMUTS THE VOTE SECRET LIFE.

Oh my God we crossed 100 views for this story i am so happy 😁😊. Sorry for the late update. The idea for this chapter was given by a reader of my story. So her name will be pinned on my conversation box.


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