behead the coward

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As my life flashed before my watery dull eyes the man with a leather mask came down he had full black clothing and a  blood stained apron from the past unfortunate people. I took a long deep breath clenching the cloth that Elizabeth had on her the day she passed may our love  shine through the living and death may our love shine so bright even the gods tear up.
"Here comes the fallen angle execution type beheaded, any lasts words before thou die?" Said the imp grabbing my chin and smirking
"I did not kill the beloved dove" I firmly said clenching my fist. The imp looked at me full of horror and disgust 
"The devil has the boys tongue, he lies in the name of the devil have him in shackles!" The imp yelled he put his hands onto his head. The fully black clothed man grunted and grabbed  my shoulders and forcefully but the shackles on my wrists. The shackles weighted me down but what weighted me down even more is the death of Elizabeth I had to find way even if it kills me I'll find a way I stood up and as I did a tall red woman looked down at me from the mountains "say I need your help and your wish is my command my boy" said the red like figure with a sinister smile.
How could I hear from so far yet it sounded so close in a type of greed I yelled "Help" the weather turned red and my heart pounded the red creature swiftly came towards  me

"my name is Urvite  you called i came why do you call me in such eager?" the red lanky creature  said 

"I've been accused for murdering my wife" 

"did you kill your wife?" it said i looked at it and then looked at the towns people they looked looked in terror at the red horned creature. 

"did you kill your wife?" it said once again 

"no i did not ma'am" i said closing my eyes holding the cloth even tighter then before 

there was a silence for about 5 minutes the towns people and every one kept quite not daring to say a word until the imp broke the silence. "He is guilty, don't trust a word that coward says he killed my daughter!" he spluttered the imp i looked beside me to see the imp on its throne and two guards. The creature looked at me and gave me a sharp edge dagger and nodded its head i slowly picked up the knife and turned to the side

"i beg to differ but i didn't kill your daughter" i growled i looked down at the dagger   as much as i didn't want to die i did i would rather be in the garden beds laying down with Elizabeth then rotting in eternal sufferings . Killing the imp wont bring her back it wont make thou better it wont stop the everlasting black hole that's been shot through my heart my heart is full of glass its  shattered. But when i see her again in the after life ill see her everlasting smile i wont need to worry about pain or suffering ill see her again ill hold her so tightly and tears will be trickling down my face as the halo on top of her shines so bright even the  gods are jealous. I picked up the knife .A sharp, shining blade sliced through my stomach. Thick oozing blood began to gush out of me. My vision became blurry and the world around me began to spin. Before i knew it my stone cold, lifeless body lay on the cobble stone floor. Death is a timer counting down the hours to live. It freaks people out not knowing what will happen to them and there loved ones when they pass but i guess that's the beautiful part of life we don't truly know pain until we loose them. One day someone will have think about you for the last time. One day no one on earth will remember me but i know the people that saw what i have done will pass the story down

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