can't be alone

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Közi was still stood in the corner of the bedroom looking at you as you began to drift into a light sleep.

"You've always been clumzy, haven't you y/n" he chuckled quietly

Közi began tip toeing over to the bed you were laying on, which was his bed which he had brought you to when he had found you outside a couple hours ago.

He was terrified when he found you, he had always cared for you like a little sister and to see you laying there,blood coming from your head,in the middle of the dark garden with no explanation to how it happened,he was mortified.

He sat on the bed, taking off his shoes, then quietly shuffled under the covers next to his injured friend, being careful not to wake her or hurt her. She'd had a rough couple of weeks.

The sunrise lit up the whole house, waking everyone up from the short sleep they had gotten due to the events the night before.

When you eventually opened your eyes, they were met with the sight of Közi immediately rushing over to the bed to help you to your were now stood next to the man with his arm around your waist keeping you secured upright, but you paused, wincing at the rush of pain that ran up your spine to your head.

With eyes of concern Közi spoke, "Come on, let's get you to breakfast with the others quick. We'll fetch you some medicine and change your bandages once we are there."

You had forgotten about the cuts and scrapes on your body until then, as you began remembering the events from the night before, the man next to you had rushed you through the door and down the grand staircase, leading you through to the kitchen where you were greated by the others.

"How did you sleep?"
"Are you okay?"
"You scared us last night."

They all fired questions at once but stopped when Közi sat down and asked a maid to bring some medicine and fresh bandages.

"Sorry for causing trouble." Were the only words to come out your mouth, you were to tired to say much else.

A maid came along and put a small bowl in front of you, which you lightly pushed away, not in the mood to eat because of the headache and lack of sleep. Right after, the other maid came back handing a bottle of medicine and a bandage to közi, he thanked the maid who bowed and left the room, then turned to you and began reading the bottle.

"You can't have the medicine on an empty stomach." He spoke, causing you to answer with a groan.

Klaha came and sat next to you, picking up the spoon from the bowl and pushing it to your lips, in which you hesitanly ate some, causing klaha to smile at the sight of you being spoon fed.

After a few bites and some medicine, Mana swapped your bandages for clean ones and you got on with your day, reading a few books and helping the maids make pastries in the kitchen for tonight's supper.

Later in the night everyone was, once again, gathered round the dining room table trying the pastries you and the maids made earlier that day.

Listening to the light music playing from the record player in the corner and admiring the intricate details along the walls and ceiling of the grand house, you were pulled from a daydream by yu~ki asking why you were outside so late last night, so you explained how you couldn't sleep and missed your own home just like you did to Mana and Közi the night before,but this time you added on how you were scared to be alone in such a big house.

Although your new home was beautiful, it had an eerie feel at night, the creaky floors,the whistle of the wind through the windows and the trees make scratching noises on the house. They were all scaring you.

Your friends let out a small chuckle at your story, they thought it was cute how timid these things made you especially how all these 'scary' things were just so normal to them.

Yu~Ki turned slightly and spoke to klaha, "we can't let her be alone can we? I don't want this to happen again"
"What do we do then?" Asked klaha, concerned for his shy friend. You weren't one to ask for help, you were to shy, I mean they had already done so much for you. Közi knew what you were like so he knew he for sure had to come up with something to keep you comfortable.

That's when Mana spoke up and suggested that you stay in one of their rooms until you felt safe sleeping alone.

They all agreed that this was a good plan and you were happy to stay with them and finally get to sleep.

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