It was meant to just be to the market and back!

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It was a warm spring day and three were walking together back from the market.

from a outside point of view they would all look like a totally normal friend group if you ignore the-

"Hey Isa?" the shortest of the group, Chris called to the tallest of the group.

|/How'd the character cut me off? i'm the narrat-\|

"Hmm?" Isa glances to Chris "yes Chris?" They questioned with a raised eyebrow.

|/Oh what the hell?! whatever...\|

"Can you tell me a story from- from your past?" Chris asked nervously picking absentmindedly at the basket in his grasp.

Up until now the third member was walking ahead of the others not really playing attention. Though the question Chris asked brought her to full attention, as it seemed to do with Isa as well.

"A story from my past?" Isa asked with a almost dark look on their face, one not fully directed at Chris.

Chris seemed slightly taken aback by the look mistakenly thinking it was in fact directed at him. The third member was taken aback as well, especially with how she knew Isa was with Chris.
She knew Isa wouldn't take anything from anyone not even her, but they were always very lenient with Chris, however she was aware why their expression darkened.

Chris immediately started backtracking "well it doesn't need to be from your past! it- it can be any story! any at all! even made u-" Chris was cut off from his nervous rambling by Isa placing a hand on his head, ruffling his fluffy hair, the white streak of hair mixing with the light brown momentarily.

"It's ok kid, it's just..." Isa pauses for a second looking off into the distance, likely contemplating their next words.

Chris and the third member, Skyler shared a look before Isa continued speaking.

"it's just that my past isn't something a kid should know." Isa finished their sentence with a long sigh, taking their hand out of the others hair before continuing, "plus I'm sure you don't wanna hear about all the boring stuff I got up to as a kid" Isa says, voice full of fondness at the end recalling their childhood.

Skyler dons a look of mischief, "Yea sure" She says drawing out the 'sure', She turns and starts walking backwards "you can act like your childhood wasn't full of excitement and mischief, but I know the truth!" She says, rising her voice at the end, a mischievous smile plastered on her face.

Chris looks up at Isa, a look of pure confusion on his face. As he was about to ask about said 'mischief' Isa beats him to it.

"SKYLER!" Isa shouts, clearly false anger in their voice, hiding the fact they were a bit flustered from getting called out.

Skyler laughs turning around and bolting, Isa looks about ready to rush after her but stops themselves "I'm about to go kill her but I need to know if you think you'll be ok if I ran off" Isa says gritting their teeth together on the 'kill' part but the rest had concern lacing their words.

Chris thinks for a moment, Will he be ok? this would be the first time he'd be alone since...

"Yeah I'll be ok! nothing I haven't dealt with before!" He says confidently with a smile and a nod.

Isa looks unsure but nods anyway, turning and running after Skyler, calling over their shoulder "CALL OUT IF YOU GET IN ANY TROUBLE!" the last part fading out as they run further away.

Chris looks down at the basket he's been holding, recalling the day as he walks.


A Story Forgotten By All By Three(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now