Chapter 22

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Where am I?

A field. Of (favorite flower). 

A tune played in the background. The melody was soothing. 

Oh... It's Venti... 

Who is that? 

The figure turned around and your eyes met golden ones. 

"Hello my love." You smiled at your lover's voice. 

"Good morning." Soon, the serious mood broke as the two of you grinned. You then ran and launched yourself into his arms. "I missed you." 

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect the archon war to be so long." 

"You won though.....Right?" 

"Yes. Liyue. The land of Contracts." 

"I'm so glad you're safe." 

"I promised didn't I? I never break my promises." Those words made you pause. Something tugged at you. Like this was an illusion and the real world was just waiting for you to remember it. You shook the thought away. 

Morax loved you. He had always loved you. He had left you only once to fight in the war then he had returned. That was real. This was the real world. Wasn't it? 

"What's bothering you?" The deep, yet gentle voice brought you back. 

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." Again, an odd feeling. 

"Alright then." He grinned "I promised you that we could go stargazing didn't I?" 

"It's still morning." You pointed out the obvious fact. 

"It'll take all day to get there if we don't teleport. Why don't we enjoy the walk?" 

"Alright." You walked alongside him. In the silence, the thoughts at the back of your mind came forwards-begging to be explored. You immediately started another conversation. 

As the sun set, you arrived. It was a mountain. 

"It's my old home! You could have just told me." 

"What would be the point in that?" The two of you grinned then walked up the stairs together. 

By the time you got to the top, the stars were shining brightly. 

"I wished on the stars that you would return safely every day." 

"You still talk to the stars? You really haven't changed." 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." Tears started streaming down your face. "My love, why are you crying?" 

"Don't. Don't call me that." You backed away. 

"Why? You had no problem with it before." He looked at you. You couldn't stand the surprise and hurt in his eyes. 

"It'll hurt me more when I wake up from this dream. You don't love me Morax. This is all just a dream. A dream I made up to fantasize what would have happened if you kept on loving me."  

"I love you. I've never stopped. I thought about you every day." 

"Stop lying to me! You're not the real Morax. You're just an illusion."

"Just let yourself believe okay? For a moment. Tell yourself this is real. At least find comfort in this my love." No longer being able to bring yourself to argue, you just nodded shakily and slowly walked towards him. 

"I'll always love you. But in the real world.... you don't love me. So find happiness. Without me. Because in the real world...I'm gone. I love you, but my love is my greatest weakness." 

"Y/N." His eyes met yours again. 

How long had it been since you saw his eyes light up when he looked at you? 

The fact that this was just a dream broke your heart even more. 

In reality, he wouldn't look at you like that. You chocked out another sob. 

"I-" Before he could finish his sentence he disappeared. All you saw was black. 

Then suddenly it dispersed as you grabbed hold of your power. 

Looking around, you saw Kusanali staring at you. 

"You almost broke. And you're crying." 

Lifting your hand to your check, it came away wet. You quickly wiped your tears away. 

"Did you have a dream?" The archon looked at you curiously. 

"Why do you care?" Your voice was sad. After a dream like that, waking up to reality hurt. 

"I've never seen you in a moment of weakness. Unless you count laughing maniacally." 

"How far have you gotten? Does the traveler know yet?" 

"I'm not at a liability to say." 

"Alright then." You turned around. Soon enough, you were gone. 

"I feel bad for her. Moving on is not easy. Especially for someone who loves so unconditionally as her. She almost broke today. I don't think she knows how close she came to breaking." 

Zhongli POV


What was that dream I just had? 

Was that what would have happened if I didn't love Guizhong? 

What did she mean that she's gone? 

I have to move on. 

She's dead isn't she? 

She died in the chasm. 

How can she still love me? 

She's dead. 

That's how I can move on. 

Just keep telling myself that she's gone. 

"Mr. Zhongli? Are you alright?" 

"Yes. I'm fine. Just bad memories." 

Just a memory. 

Not reality. 

It was just a dream.

End of Zhongli POV

A/N: I don't know what I'm gonna write next lol.

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