Less Fighting, More Flirting

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I got to work around 2:30 because as soon as I got home, I got into bed and slept. Nothing woke me up. According to her, Sugar had come in to ask me for breakfast, but I was in a deep sleep. When I woke up, I was so discombobulated that it took me a while to feel awake fully, let alone place what day and time it was.

I almost decided not to go in, and then Alex's words ran through my head. Feel free to take as much time off as you need. But, for some reason, his permitting me to take time off made me not want to. Why are girl brains so complicated and weird, I thought. So I showered a very short shower and hauled ass into an uber.

When I got past the glass door into our office space 30 minutes later, I started scanning it for Alex. I returned to my cube when I didn't see him in his office or conference room. Thankfully I had quite a lot of work to keep me busy, but whenever I found a lull, my mind wandered to Alex and Glenn. Did anything else happen after I left? Was Glenn okay? Did they fight? Did Alex keep his promise and kick him out? I shook my head, hoping this would make the worrying thoughts fall out of it. Eventually, they did, mainly because more work and emails piled up, dividing my attention.

By the time I decided to get my third cup of coffee of the day, I hadn't seen Alex, so I had texted him.

It took me a few tries of typing and then erasing the message before I sent the lamest option,' You good?' then decided to forget about it and drink my coffee while single-handedly typing an angry email to the marketing team who never sent me numbers for our last ad campaign on Instagram.

He texted an uninformative, 'Yes' about 30 minutes later.

I needed more information, or I would drive myself crazy, so I IM'd David, our intern, who was usually Alex's second punching bag/Mule after me.

David approached my cube, looking hot and bothered, sitting in the empty seat across from mine. "You need something?"

"Why do you look so out of it?" I asked. He took a deep sigh.

"Alex has me scanning our whole HR database to find resumes for people to replace you." He hurriedly said.

"Oh really?" He didn't have to do it so soon, I thought, as anger and uneasiness bubbled underneath my chest.

"Yeah, he is interviewing a few people from the downstairs office. He met them at the Halloween party and already had their resumes, so he wanted to get the interview process up and running." David babbled. "I don't know what you did, but he must be pissed at you."

"I quit, David. It's typically the process to replace a person that quits!" I defended myself.

"Thanks, you can go now!" I angrily advised, but David'swords made me wonder if there was something I did last night that facilitated this. Did I say something about Glenn or act in a certain way? It had to be something because now Alex was avoiding my texts and having a coffee date interview with some 20-something-year-old who was a fast learner and could send 20 emails every second or something.

"Why did you call me then? God Char, just because you are leaving, you think you can waste my time!" He uncharacteristically yelled.

"Excuse me! I am still your boss!" I retaliated.

"That she is!" Alex's voice boomed from behind us.

"Your back! Where have you been? I've been so worried." I said, turning around in relief, ignoring David's confused look, which I could see from my peripheral vision. He has never heard me talk to Alex like a concerned girlfriend before. It was probably the first time I was doing it too.

"I have been interviewing. I'll get you out of here in no time!" He smiled.

"Wow, you are right, David. I must have done something to piss Alex off," I hautely said.

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