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Huff, Huff, Huff

The field is full of dead bodies of monsters and humans. The stench of blood and rotten flesh can be smelled very clearly. This is the result of the war between humanity and monsters.

War that has been started for 10 years and today is the day to end this endless war.

1 v 1

Human vs Monster

There stood two humanoid figures in the middle of the battlefield, facing each other with eyes filled with the desire to kill. One is a human who has black hair and red eyes with a red jacket that is suited to his fit body, while the other one is a monster whose body is filled with the colour red, red horn on his head and long black hair that reaches his back.

Caelus from the humanity side and Haecus from the destruction side.

Both of them raise their weapon but their eyes never take off from each other.

There is nothing but the sound of the wind.


Caelus with his swift movement suddenly appeared in front of Haecus as he thrust his sword forward.
The said monster can see the sharp metal movement towards his right eye.

Just at that time, Haecus started his move by channelling his mana into his hand and punching the sword upwards.


The sword and fist collided making a sound of metal before Caelus's sword began to throw up.
At that time he can feel the pain in his chest and stomach in a second as he takes a few steps back.

Cough, cough

His eyes squint a little as the red liquid starts to fill his mouth and he spits out all of it when it is already full.

'That monster move has become fast. Throwing out three powerful attacks in just a second. I need to get serious.
No, I need to get all out.'

Caelus thought before he stretched out his hand. The same sword that was being thrown started to come back to its owner in just a second.


The same swift movement was used by him, but this time he used his mana to make it faster. His body glowed in Purple light,  showing that his enchantment was not something to be looked down on.
Caelus once again reach Haecus as his sword begins its move before the monster can react.

Slash, Slash, Slash

With the said attack, he succeeded in cutting both Haecus's hands and stabbing his left chest. The glowing aura on his body started to disappear.

Caelus sighed before looking at the monster he's already killed movement can be seen, and no breathing can be heard.

This made Caelus used to stiff shoulders begin to slouch down before he sat down and sighed.

"Is it over?"

Caelus turn to the red sky which is one of the signs of the destruction of the world before the presence of the monsters appears. He remembers about all of his adventures to get here. His smile dropped for a bit when he thought about that.

So many sacrifices and the red sky is a witness of all that.

'Red Sky.'

Deg, Deg, Deg

His heart suddenly beats faster as he looks all over the place before turning to the same sky. He started to stand up.

'Something is wrong.'

Caelus eyes wander from piles to piles of dead bodies as his heartbeat still has not subsided. His thought begins to think about all of the possibilities that can happen right now.

'No that's not the case.'

Caelus's mind begins to click as he turns his head toward Haecus's body, but all he can see is someone's fist right in front of him.

Caelus widened his eyes as he could feel the familiar pain before he was thrown to his back.


"Incredible, human!! To be pushing me into this limit is something that never happened before."

Haecus said while smirking widely. For some clear reason, his expression is making him more creepier than before.

Meanwhile Caelus begin to get up from where he was thrown while holding his nasal bridge.
He looked back at Haecus and gritted his teeth.It has been a while since he became so off guard and this thought made him wonder what happened to him after all this.

Things that never happened before suddenly happened in this last fight.

Why? Actually, the answer itself cannot be found when using just mind. It the inside his heart that we can find the answer.

Caelus know the answer. The desire, feeling which has been in his heart all this time.The desire that he wants to achieve every possible.

"I want to end this endless war."

Haecus saw the same man that he punched with a strong force and started to stand again. This made him smirk more widely and more creepy. Haecus is someone who has been fighting for more than 1000 years, and this is the first time he meets someone who can withstand his attack.

What made it more interesting is the fact that this person is a human, the weakest entity in the whole universe.

'But this man is different than that lowly humans.'

He looks at Caelus's figure who suddenly has an outraging aura all over his body making Haecus smirking wider. His body also began to emit his usual aura but this time he put everything on it.

Meaning that Haecus begin to be serious.


Swwoossh, BAAM


[You have accomplished an impossible scenario.]

[You achieve a Myth ranking Fable]

[You achieve a Giant Fable]

[You achieve a Myth ranking Fable]

[You achieve a Legendary ranking Fable.]

[You achieve a Legendary ranking Fable.]

[You have chosen to be a Constellation. Do you want to accept it or do you want to die Eternally.]

[Become a Constellation | Die Eternally]

"I remembered. When my last fight against Haecus.I achieved a new power that seemed to be unlocked inside my body,  and then I, no both of us died in that fight."

Caelus said as he looked at the display in front of him.

"Constellation or die. Who the heck who wants to die after that kind of battle? I want to live more even if I need to be a constellation."

Caelus knew what is Constellation, and everything related to it right after he got here. The reason why it happened he didn't know until now but whatever it is there is one thing he is certain of.

[New Constellation has been created.]

[Your Constellation ranking is Myth]

[Constellation 'The One who Opposes an Impossible Scenario' will be your name.]

[The first scenario will be started.]

This is a chance to see humanity again.

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