Kim Dokja

113 10 2

Caelus POV

The moment I pushed that button, a new transparent screen started to appear in front of me. It shows the situation that is happening in the outside world right now. Did I ever tell you that this is supposed to be an alternate universe? Meaning that this planet is a planet that I'm familiar with, but with a different disaster.

Earth, the planet where Mana is supposed to not exist, is the same case with monsters or any other supernatural situation.

That's why the moment the world starts to change, humans will make a ruckus and start to show their true selves.

That's what we call it.


I look at the screen with a plain face. They're all doing the things that I already expected. Killing each other like animals, betraying and deceiving. I will not blame them for what they are doing, but at the same time, I didn't see the value of these incarnations.

Using my finger to swipe the screen, the view changes to another place, but it is the same.

I swipe my finger for a few more, searching for an interesting incarnation but there are none of them.

"Should I just pick this worthless human? Nah, I need to search for it harder."

I said changing my mind and continuing to swipe. A few minutes passed and my finger stopped. It seems that luck is on my side right now, because of what I saw in front of me.

"Grasshopper? That is very interesting."

I said while looking at the screen in front of me with a smile. This is what I looking for.

The man is smart enough to kill an insect instead of humans. I know that he is not as innocent as he seems to be, but he has one thing I need. Calm and open-minded despite of disaster that currently happened.

At that time, I learned about his name.

"Kim Dokja.What an interesting fellow."

I looked at his action and my interest in him increased. Not only him, there are other people I am interested in.

One, a girl named Yoo Sangah.If you look at her, you can only see a kind and beautiful woman in her.

You may wonder what is so special about this aspect.

In this new world, people started to change drastically to survive. They started to do whatever they wanted to reach that goal.

With that mindset, the personality like that a girl has is almost extinct in this world.

Meaning that this is her true personality.

That is what made her different. Maybe this is naive and can be a burden for her to continue to live in this world, but maybe I can help her.

[Constellation 'The One Who Opposes an Impossible Scenario' interested in Incarnation 'Yoo Sangah']

[1000 coin gifted.]

I can see the shocked and confused expression she has which made me chuckle.

"What is this coin? Why did you send it to me?"

She asked me while his head faced the train ceiling.
Oh, I forgot that they didn't know about this.

[Constellation 'The One Who Opposes an Impossible Scenario' said that this coin can increase your status level.]

"Status Level?"

[Constellation 'The One Who Opposes an Impossible Scenario' said that you will know about that in the future]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2023 ⏰

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