* in my mind*
one more period and tell lunch, the bell rang for 4th period he said quietly enough he thought i couldn't hear bye mi amor and then cleared his throat and said bye atianna and i said quietly enough for him to hear bye amor mieo and then cleared my throat and said bye connor and i said that in my regular voice and he smiled and blushed as i walked away i could fell his gaze on me as i walk in to my 4th period i sit down in the back in the very very back because the teachers desk is in the front and i really do t want to sit in the front and that's when fuck my self god could this day get any worse he is in all of my classes besides one witch is my first period and i don't know if he has 5th with me yet but me sits next to me and the tables are pushes together and there is 2 tables in a row so there is about 3 rows we 2 tables for one scission and he chose to sit next to me and the thing he did next was crazy
Aléatoirethis is a book about 2 people atianna and connor one of them have been in love with the other for years and then....