Part 19

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Pedri: thank you Emms. I hope you know how special you are to me.

Me: well now I never said anything like it

Pedri: to be honest, i'm a little f****d up with emotions. I didn't know what I want and I was confused with everything happening.

Me: yeah I understand, especially now when you told me everything, i can only imagine the pain you are carrying but i'm going to say it again, you don't need to carry it on still.

Pedri: thank you really, this means a lot to me.

He kissed me on the cheek and I just felt butterflies.

Me: you are welcome and I'm always going to remind you the same thing.

He gave me a meaningful smile. Why is he so cute???

Pedri: you should feel happy because you are first female person I just said something like all this conversation and especially my trauma, and don't you dare use against me.

Me: i'm going for it Pedrii.

I started to make like i'm going to someone and he grabbed me by my waist and throw me onto bed.

Pedri: you aren't going anywhere.

He started to laugh and looked at me deeply. I just leaned in and he was confused because we were so close face to face and I turn my head to whisper in his ear.

Me: try me.

And I tried again and we started to "fight" more like a joke and I was on top of him. This felt weird and we both started just to look at each other and we didn't know what to do. As I was about to tell him something and I guess he too to me, we accidently kissed, but after the first one we went for another one which was more passionate.

As we backed up he said.

Pedri: please just tell me you feel the same.

I didn't answer I just kissed him as a response.

Pedri: i've been burning and burning inside i just felt a connection with you like with no one else and I just didn't know if someone like you would like me even.

Me: excuse me?

He started to get confused and shy and it was sooo cute to watch.

Pedri: like the best person I have met and I'm not usually someone who I think you would like.

Me: but I got to know the real you and why were you acting the certain way.


I just kissed him on the cheek.

Me: you are cute when you are shy, keep going.

I just continue to look at him and waited for his explanation.

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