Going Home

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Bible loves the thrill of riding a motorcycle, usually going around 90-100mph but since Kei is currently riding with him, he slows down, going around 50-60mph. He thinks about how he doesn't want anything to happen with Kei throughout the ride (and also it's an excuse to spend more time with her).

Kei has her arms wrapped around Bible's waist, the moment Bible drove off she tried to take off her hold of his waist but failed each time, so she ends up back-hugging the older with her head pressed into his back.

The first couple of minutes of the ride for Kei was tense. The guy she adores is riding a motorcycle with her behind, the way they are so freaking close with each other to the point she can smell Bible's cologne, the way she's touching him. Kei was super tense and nervous at first, but soon enough calmed down as the both of them drive through the kinda empty streets.

The two are silent throughout the ride. Bible focuses on the road while sometimes taking a glance towards the arms wrapped around his middle, while Kei is in a slight daze as she fully leans onto Bible's back.

Nearly halfway through the rids, Kei suddenly felt hungry. She contemplates if she should tell Bible about this or not. She felt her tummy rumble and her face scrunched up as she realized she haven't really eaten any proper meal for the day. Unconsciously, she tightens her grip on Bible's middle.

Bible, who felt the arms on him tighten, furrows his eyebrows and slows down the vehicle with the thoughts that Kei is probably feeling cold. The hands circling him tightened a bit more and this had Bible to start worrying. Is Kei in pain? Is she cold? Does she feel uncomfortable? Should I slow down? Should I stop? Should I ask?



"You okay?"


"Are you sure?"



"I'm...Um... I'm a bit hungry"


"Um... Yeah..."

"Should we look for food?"

"I-Uh-You don't have to! I'm more than thankful that you're dropping me off!"

"No! What do you want to eat?"

"Phi, there's no need-"

"Kei, what do you want to eat?"

"Um... fast food?"

"McDonald's or KFC?"


"Okay, hold on tight"

The moment Kei tightens her hold, Bible hits the gas and speeds up, not wanting Kei to wait longer and stay hungry for long, he quickly looks for the nearest McDonald's, which took him a while before parking his motorcycle.

Once the motorcycle is parked, Bible took off his helmet before putting his hands out to the side for Kei to hold as she got off the vehicle. Kei took the awaiting hands and hopped off, only for her to lose balance it has been more than an hour's drive and her legs went numb from sitting down.

The moment Kei hopped off, Bible is prepared in case she trips or falls, and his instinct was right. As Kei stumbled, Bible immediately grabs her with his other arm, steadying her. He lets her hold onto him as he hops off his vehicle.

"You good?"

"Yeah, sorry though. My legs feel like jelly."

"Sat too long huh?"

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