Chapter 3 I just got an idea

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Disclaimer : I don't ow Icarly or any other media in story except my ocs.

In Seattle or more specfically the Bushwell Plaza  in the studio apartment belong to the Shay siblings.

Sitting in front of the computer was  Samantha " Sam '' Puckett who is  a girl that  has curly blonde har, blue eyes, fair skin, wears tomboyish clothes, has a oval shaped face

She is currently searching for some video that she along with some friends could react to then she see an alert for an viral video making her intrigue.

Sam grinned," Oh what this !  A 2 v 1 fight! Mama likey!" She felt her grin break out over  her face as she clicked on the video.

Sam see on the video takes place in a schoolyard and between three male students her age which made her intrigued.

 The two males were obvilously  jocks with their lettermen jackets and their dumb looks.

On the left is a stocky build boy with red buzz cut wearing a lettermen jacket undearneath it is a Drake T shirt , blue jeans and blue sneakers.

The second thug is stocky build jock with greasy blonde hair with glasses , wearing a lettermen jacket , blue jeans and dirty sneakers.

Sam groaned," I wonder who is the unfornatuely dork in this video ?" She knows these type of guys will bully some weak nerd as she take a sip of her drink.

Sam see the '' dork'' then she does  a spit take as she see instead of a skinny nerd but   is a young man that is standing at 5'10". He is in peak physical condition with a slim muscular build. He has a youthful and handsome face, he has raven hair and has vibrant blue  eyes. He is dressed in red-and-orange hoodie with the number 11, a black shirt worn under the hoodie, denim jeans, and a pair of sneakers.

Sam gasped," Whoa? He  looked cute."  She looked at the boy wih  a bit of dreamy expression on her face.

The two jocks  were grinning cracking their knuckles  along with saying something in a low voices.

The boy with the raven hair and blue eyes does something that made  Sam  intrigue as her eyes were glue to the screen.

The boy takes a attention stance from Karate where the heels are togethors and the feets are directed outward at 45 degrees. Colby slips into a a natural fighting stance where he spreads his feet apart with his knees bent a bit and his hands in front of him in a relax postions while letting out a shout.

" KIAI!"

 Sam jump in suprise as she didn't expect  the guy to shout loudly  as he had  very loud voice.

Sam muttered," Holy chizzz! This guy got a voice!" She looked at Colby with astonishment on her face.

She see everyone watching the fight were taken back even the two morons but they contuined to apporach the raven hair boy.

The one jock with the red hair  walked on the raven hair boy to punch him  but the rven ahir  excute a step back highblock to block the punch then he grabbed the wrist of the jock , the raven  hair boy   steps then plants his right leg along with excuting a  knife edge to biceps making  red hair jock  cry out in pain follow by a knife edge chop to the side of the neck of Omar.

Sam winces  as she saw the red hair winces in pain from the strike to the biceps and to the neck.

The boy  turns his hip as he excute a seiken or punch to the midesection and excute a right seiken to the midsection as he used his right hips to generate power while shouting ," Dorya!"

The red hair  stumbled back holding his midsection while he gasp like a fish out of water then he kneels down.

The black hair  steps back in a left forward leaning stance looking down at Omar who is breathing for air while clutching his biceps that holler in pain and his midsections.

Sam felt her jaw dropped in astonishment but she watches the greasy blonde hai  marched towards  the karate stud  with the intent of making him pay.

The karate stud stands up in a sideway stance with his hands up bounces on the balls of his feets then he see Joey come in range ready to strike making the stud delivered a backfist to face then the stud  delivered a reverse punch as he drives it forward into the mid section of  greasy blondey  who winces from the punch causing him to stumble back.

Colby moves off line in the left side along with excuting a push a way block of the strike then he Colby lands a vertical jab to the floating ribs of Joey making let out a squeal in pain from the punch.

Sam clutches her ribs as she felt the pain and cried," I felt that!"

Karate stud step and he excute a right middle block just in time to block a strike from a recovering Omar who is still clutching his midsection in pain while his bicep is damaged. Colby steps in ith his left foot to dleivered a rising leopard fist to the chin snapping the head of Omar up.

The boy see  the blonde eady to pounce him causing to spring back in to avoid the tackle to the ground as he slips in fighting stance to bring his right knee up for a knee strike to mid section of  blonde jock  making clutch in mid section in pain as he double over.

Sam shouted," Bring in the knee strike!" She smiled with glee at the skill of the karate hottie then she see the red hair goon rises up.

 The red hair was stumble as he walked towards the stud  then he goes a haymaker but Karate  stu  step forward with his left led to used his left arm in a shuto uke , while his right arm slammed into  red hair 's neck with the forearm while the hand is in the shape of a goose head.

Sam winces from the impact of the strike but she gain a look of glee of using that move.

Sam watches as the  karate stud  rechambered his right hand and he delivered a palm heel strike to the face of  the red haird brute  rocked his hear then a knife strike to throat shouting," KIAI!"

 Sam watches with amazement as the red hair bully clutches his throat as he sinked to his knees making the karate stud fall bck into a left forward leaning stance with his left arm excuting an left low block while shouting,"Twoah!"

The karate  hottie furiosuly wiped his head to see if his two tormentor are getting up but red hair  rising up to but he stumbled back to the ground as he succumbed to his bruises. Greasy blonde is rolling around on the ground in pain from the strikes he received from Colby.

The stud enter a a fighting stance and said," Pahtiec!" He spoke confidently as he looked at his beaten foes.

Sam eyes widned  in shock and her mouth  jaw dropped then her eyes gain a gleam in them as she   gets out of her seat then she runs up stairs.

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