- Sick Of All This Bullshit *Lost crossover*

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Yeah, somehow this ended up as a crossover with Lost.... Don't know how that happened....

Anyway, yet another one-shot for the CHM Slash Picture Paints 1,000 Words challenge over on Dreamwidth.


~ Candy



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James is fucking tired of all of this. Tired of this fucking island and all the weird shit that's been happening since the plane had crashed two months ago.

On the plus side, he's now reunited with Jeremy and Richard after having ended up on the tail section of the plane and crashing onto the opposite side of the island and into the ocean after the plane had split apart in midair. At least the few survivors of the tail section that are left are now reunited with the rest of the surviving passengers of Oceanic Flight 815.

And James won't deny that he's a little peeved that the bulk of the survivors, including Jeremy and Richard, who had crashed elsewhere had it much better on this godforsaken place than those who were on the tail section. God, they never had to worry about the island's inhabitants infiltrating the group like they had, and kidnapping everyone, including the two children that were with them.

Although he was told that they had one big instance with the people they've been referring to as the Others, where a young pregnant girl, Claire was taken along with her friend, Charlie who was also taken and strung up by his neck left for dead. But other than that, and the young boy, Walt, being taken from the raft that had caused his father, Michael, along with Jin and Sawyer to drift ashore near where the tail section survivors were staying, they've had it fucking easy.

Too fucking easy....

And then let's not forget about the fact that they've been stuck on this island for nearly two months with no sign of rescue. The fuck is up with that? Not one single sign of anyone coming to their rescue. He thinks that transmission from the French woman he's been told about, and how she's been stuck here for sixteen years has something to do with it.

Or perhaps the Others have something to do with the lack of rescue. Seems rather likely, he guesses.

Then there's also that hatch out in the jungle where you have to enter a bunch of numbers into a computer every 108 minutes or the world will explode or something like that. What a complete pile of dogshit. He, Jeremy, and Richard have been rostered on to enter the numbers, but he doesn't believe any of it. Thinks it's all a bunch of bollocks. On the plus side though, at least there is a shower and a washer and dryer in the hatch. At least they get that luxury.

Becoming distracted from his thoughts at the sound of footsteps approaching him, he spots Jeremy and Richard making their way over to him. And annoyingly, it seems that Richard is limping slightly, and he seems to have a scrape up his arm....

Just what the fuck has that little bastard done this time?

"What have you done this time, Hammond?" James sighs, pointing the machete he's been using to carve a stick into a stake with (for reasons he's not even sure of) towards his youngest partner.

"He tripped over a rock and scraped up his arm in the fall." Jeremy says, eyeing the machete in James's hand. "And he's twisted his ankle."

Yet another thing he's getting sick of. Both Jeremy and Richard near constantly turning up with some form of injury. At least there was a doctor on the plane, but fucking hell. They're getting too many scrapes and bruises.

Though he won't lie, he is too. Sprained his wrist just last week while chopping wood.

Stabbing the machete down into the sand in front of him along with the stick, James indicates for Jeremy and Richard to sit down next to him, and they do without hesitation. The pair of them each going on opposite sides of James so he's seated between them. Which isn't their usual seating arrangement, usually it's Richard between James and Jeremy, but James doesn't mind this.

And Jeremy and Richard seem to have gotten the idea that James needed to be in the middle for once, if only to try and make him feel better and comfort him. Especially so as they both wrap their arms around him, sitting as close to him as possible.

It does make James feel better. Just being around the two of them, especially now after being without them for 48 days. Definitely wasn't easy being without his partners for those first 48 days after the crash.

"Let me see your arm, Rich." James says, looking over at Richard.

And Richard doesn't say anything, just nods as he holds his arm out that's all scraped up for James to look over. Thankfully, it doesn't look too bad, nothing to be too concerned about, but they'll have to keep an eye on it anyway in case it starts to get infected. Which James is sure Jack has already told him... if he's gone to the doctor to examine it.

"Have you gone to see Jack?" James asks.

Richard just shakes his head, causing James to sigh in frustration. Of course he hasn't gone to see Jack about it yet. Much like he had suspected. Probably because he doesn't want the doctor to start to worry about him too much with his near constant injuries.

"I tried to talk him into it, but he said he was fine." Jeremy says.

Richard nods in agreement, but doesn't say anything. Just stays uncharacteristically quiet as he pulls his arm out of James's hold.

Another thing about this fucking place that James hates. It's somehow made Richard not talk nearly as much as he used to. Which is odd, and he doesn't hate Richard for it, of course he doesn't. Just makes him sad. He doesn't like the effect this place is giving to Richard one bit.

He wants off this fucking island. Wants everything to go back to normal before the plane had crashed.

He wants Richard back to his normal self....

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