Zdinarsk x reader

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A/N: this was written on my phone so it's probably terrible. also unedited.

You sniffed, huddling deep into your blankets as you let out soft sobs. Your tail wrapped up against your leg as you continued to let yourself unwrap in the bunks. Luckily, you were excused for the day unlike the others so you had the room to yourself and you could finally let out your feelings without having someone in the way.

Through your sobs, you seemingly unnoticed the door opening and closing. Unaware that someone had walked in, you jumped when an arm was wrapped around your back and began rubbing in circles. 'Hey, what's all this?' Zdog asked with concern.

'I'm fine, leave me alone.' You grumbled, hiding deeper into the blanket. Zdog sighed, peeking under the blanket to look at you.

'I said to leave me alone, Z.' You sighed, lightly whipping her with your tail. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, dropping the blanket but still sat on the bed.

She began to hum, which annoyed you due to the fact this was the only time you got to let out how you've been feeling for the past couple of weeks. It hasn't been easy waking up in a whole new body with many tasks thrown at you straight away.

You sighed, curling up into a ball and continuing to cry like she wasn't there. It's just Z, you could just ignore her. 'Okay well, if you want someone to comfort you I'm here. Jussttt waiting.' She purred, tail tapping against the blanket causing your own tail to flap around.

'Mm.' You groaned, shuffling out of your burrito state in your blanket, staring up at her before throwing yourself onto her. She smiled and hugged you tight, giving you the comfort she always knew you needed.

'It's alright, let it all out. I won't talk much, just cry and I'll hug.' She chuckled awkwardly as you sobbed into her stomach.

Sniffling and finishing with your sobs slowly, you looked up at her and smiled. 'Thank you Z. I needed to be held.' You sniffled, wiping your tears.

She purred in response, leaning down and planting a kiss on your forehead. You blushed immediately at the touch and turned a light purple. She laughed.

'Random timing but uhh I kinda love you?' She grinned awkwardly and you chuckled.

'Terrible confession but I love you too, Z.' You replied, kissing her hand.


SORRY THIS ISNT EXACTLY A CHAPTER FICJDHD I just wrote this out because I'm feeling a bit upset and I guess writing out characters comforting the reader helps??

Anyways, this is kinda helping me practice doing different POVs or whatever yk?

Planning on doing walker next, then the boys!! Hope you liked this, it's the only thing I can get out for ya rn. Tomorrow I'll probably start working on the next chapter for my zdinarsk x oc story. :)

Prob won't update this very often but it's here whenever I need to write out being comforted by the best avatar characters ever, the recoms 😻

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